TANZANIA: The Church must serve the Prisoners-Bishop Ndorobo said

Chaplains of Prisons and Hospitals should carry out their mission based on the Gospel values. These have been said by Chairman of Army, Prison and Hospital Rt. Rev. Agapit Ndorobo during a two days meeting with Chaplains of Prisons and hospitals held at TEC in Dar es Salaam Tanzania.

Bishop Ndorobo said that the Chaplains of prisons and hospitals are working on the mission to the people placed in a specific places. They have many similarities including physical and psychological suffering, pain, discrimination, trauma and service in a different way to other people.

“Our Lord Jesus Christ cared for them and escorted the prisoners and the sick as a good shepherd (Matt. 25: 35-36). He himself experienced the pain before Pilate and even on the Cross,” he stressed.

In addition, he said that in the Holy Scriptures Jesus allowed the sick to touch His garment for healing and healed.

The history of Tanzania shows that there has been a partnership between Government and the Church in service delivery as well as a collaborative approach to the achievement of the people of Tanzania.

Bishop Ndorobo wants the Church to provide spiritual, physical and psychological services in prisons and hospitals, to make a special effort to know who is being served in any particular case.

“We need to give special care to the prisoners and the sick. Our mission is not to judge but rather, to serve. The Church believes in Divine mercy and forgiveness. We should be the comforter where children of God come for consolation, seeking love and care,” he said.


Sarah Pelaji, TEC