ZAMBIA: Catholic Secretariat Health Department Urges Continued Vigilance Against Cholera

Health Coordinator for the Archdiocese Father Leonard Kalyoti

Sandra Kunda

The Health Department at the Zambia Catholic Secretariat has issued a cautionary message to the public, emphasizing the importance of maintaining awareness and preventive measures against cholera.

Health Programs Officer Colonel Moses Lungu say despite a decrease in reported cases, cholera persists in Zambia and has not been declared over.

Col. Lungu raised concerns about a potential complacency trend, noting that as cholera cases have scaled down, some individuals have started to overlook the crucial measures aimed at preventing the pandemic.

He stressed the necessity for heightened vigilance, particularly in parishes located in epicenters, where maintaining high standards of cleanliness and personal hygiene remains paramount.

Col. Lungu underscored the importance of promptly seeking medical attention at the nearest health facility whenever symptoms of cholera, such as diarrhea and vomiting, occur.

He emphasized that while there is a collective effort to combat cholera, individuals must take personal responsibility to adhere to preventive measures consistently.

“The battle against cholera is ongoing, and we must not become complacent. Stated Col. Lungu.

The Zambia Catholic Secretariat Health Department’s reminder comes at a critical juncture, urging the public to remain vigilant and committed to preventing the spread of cholera.

