ETHIOPIA: Monsignor Varghese Thottamkara from Ethiopia Appointed Bishop of Balasore (India)

His Excellency Abune Varghese Thottamkara

Bezawit Assefa

His Excellency Abune Varghese Thottamkara was a great father of the faithful in the Vicariate of Nekemte, Western Ethiopia, and it is said of him that he is a teacher, mentor, and father who does not hesitate to share his deep knowledge in his service to the faithful, priests and all who work with him.

H.E. was known in leading many trainings and consultation forums on Church Canon Law, Moral Theology, and helped seminary students in various ways when they returned from school for vacation.

Among the many works that Bishop Varghese contributed to the Diocese, he promoted social development, encouraged peace and dialogue between communities as he demonstrated the deep value of peace and reconciliation. In addition, H.E. showed directions to help establish sustainable Church economic ways where the church can be financially self-sufficient.

Abune Varghese was very close to the faithful and to all those who were with him. He spoke the Amharic and Oromo languages ​​spoken by the community; he preached and even led the Holy Mass in these local languages. The relationship between the bishop and staff was like father-son to all who served with Him, showed his trust on them and taught the employees that Honesty, participation and accountability starts with oneself.

In the Ethiopian Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Ethiopia (CBCE), Abune Varghese was responsible for the ongoing formation of seminarians and ongoing formation program of clergy in the conference.

Following the transfer of His Excellency Abune Varghese to another diocese in India, Reverend Father Girma Tesfaye was appointed as the Apostolic Administrator of Nekemte Vicariate. While expressing their best wishes to Rev. Father Girma Tesfaye, the Church in Ethiopia prays that God’s help will be with him in his newly appointed ministry.

At the same time, the Ethiopian Catholic Church wishes Abune Varghese God’s blessing in his new assignment, and is grateful to his zealous missionary work in Ethiopia.