ZAMBIA: Prelate Hails Missionary Fathers for 50-Year Milestone

Bishop Benjamin Phiri with District Superior Fr Ignatius Mwalwa

Valentine Mukuka

By Radio Icengelo Correspondence Catholic Diocese of Ndola Bishop Benjamin Phiri has saluted the Society of African Missions (SMA) Fathers for clocking 50 years of missionary service in Zambia.

The SMAs have been in Zambia since 1973 when the then Bishop Nicholas Agnozzi of Ndola Diocese invited them to help in expanding the evangelization mission.

In his homily when celebrating Mass for the Golden Jubilee at Divine Mercy Parish in Ndola, Zambia, Saturday 9th December 2023, Bishop Phiri thanked God for the congregation’s presence in the country.

Bishop Phiri highlighted the zeal of the SMAs in the evangelization mission of the Church.

He urged the new crop of SMA priests to emulate the zeal and spirit of the founding clergy in Zambia.

Bishop Benjamin with some SMA Fathers

“Let us pray for ourselves, our loved ones, our family but above all the SMA that they may be strengthened, that after 50 years they may not get tired. As others age and retire, the ones who will come may keep the same spirit and the same zeal to be able to witness and evangelize with the same zeal – seeking only that the Word of God maybe spread everywhere and that people may turn to God,” Bishop Phiri said.

“It is a noble mission. Let us help them when they are not doing well. Help, support them and pray for them. This is what is going to keep the fire burning. This will keep the ship afloat. This is what is going to help us to continue to evangelize,” he said.

The SMA Fathers, founded in France in 1856 by Bishop Melchior de Marion, have been an integral part of Zambia from the time they came as missionaries. Some notable SMA priests that have served in the District of Zambia include Bishop Emeritus Noel O’Reagan, Fr. Doran Sexton (late), Fr. Victor Gomely, and Fr Tom Casey. The SMA Fathers have since recruited natives and among them is the current District Superior Fr Ignatius Malwa, Fr. Gustave Chisenga Mukosha. Fr Don Phiri, Fr Mathias Chungu and Fr. Moses Chileshe.