KENYA: Bishop Kariuki Urged to Be a Good Shepherd in the Newly Created Diocese of Wote

Bishop Kariuki; Credit Courtesy Photo

By Sr. Henriette Anne, FSSA

At the creation of Kenya’s Catholic Diocese of Wote and installation of the new Bishop of the same Diocese on Saturday, September 30, the Apostolic Nuncio in Kenya urged the new bishop to have genuine humility and not to seek power, wealth, or political influence but remain true to his calling as a shepherd of the faithful.

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In his homily, His Excellency Archbishop Bert Van Megen reminded the new bishop of his call to be a “good shepherd, after the model of Jesus Christ”.

Addressing Bishop Kariuki the Pope’s representative said, “Bishop Kariuki, you have been entrusted with a great responsibility and a great privilege: to be the successor of the apostles, the visible head and Father of this local church, and the teacher, sanctifier, and leader of God’s people. You are called to be a good shepherd, after the model of Jesus Christ, who laid down His life for His sheep”.

He added the “Church of the Good Shepherd opens wide the doors for the needy and the good Shepherd will have a special care for the poor and will defend them at all times”.

In his Saturday homily, Archbishop Megen who doubles as the Pope’s representative in South Sudan stressed that Bishop Kariuki has been called to tend and nourish the flock of Christ, saying, “You are called to tend the flock of Christ that has been entrusted to you with care and compassion. You are called to feed them with the Word of God and the sacraments, to heal their wounds and illnesses. To be the good Samaritan, who took care of his enemy, binding his wounds and curing him at the inn. You are called to protect your Flock from danger and harm, from predators, wolves, and the lion who is roaring at night to see whom he can devour. You are called to guide the flock of Christ in truth and justice, and to lead them to green pastures and still waters”.

He continued, “You are called to know your flock by name: their joys and sorrows, their strengths and weaknesses, their needs and aspirations. You are also called to make yourself known by your flock: by your words and deeds, by your presence and availability, by your witness and testimony”.

He also told Bishop to remember that he is not “alone in his ministry”, stressing, to him, “Make sure you put these structures in place in order to build up a participatory Church, a synodal Church, in which the Christian Faithful, clergy, religious and laity have their role to play and in which their voices heard. Only then, can we speak of a truly Catholic Church in which all are included and in which all have their place”.

His Excellency assured the new bishop prayers as he begins his ministry in Wote Diocese asking God to grant him grace and strength.

“As you begin your ministry as the first bishop of Wote, we assure you of our prayers and support. We ask you to pray for us and to bless us. We ask God to grant you His grace and strength, His wisdom and courage, His love and joy. We ask Mary, the mother of Jesus and our mother, to intercede for you and to protect you under her mantle. May God bless you, Bishop Kariuki. May God bless the Diocese of Wote. May God bless Kenya”.

 The newly erected Diocese of Wote has been curved from the Machakos Diocese and St. Joseph the Worker Wote Parish will therefore serve as the cathedral for the newly created Diocese.