KENYA: ACWECA Convenes the First JPIC Coordinators’ Meeting

PIC's pausing with Archbishop Anyolo Credit: ACWECA

Srs. Immaculate Tusingwire and Mary Lilly Driciru

Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Coordinators of the Association of Consecrated Women in Eastern and Central Africa (ACWECA) convened for a six-day workshop organized by the ACWECA Secretariat, in Nairobi Kenya for the very first time in history.

The workshop attracted participants from eight countries under ACWECA Region, namely Uganda, Malawi, South Sudan, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Kenya and Ethiopia as the newly founded Association.

In her official opening remarks, the Secretary General of ACWECA Sr. Bridgita Samba stressed the importance of JPIC in the ACWECA Region and invited the coordinators to journey together in the spirit of synodality and to be strong witnesses of a possible just world.

Sr. Clara Mangwengwe, the ACWECA JPIC Coordinator said that the workshop was intended to help the coordinators understand better the JPIC concept and the role of women Religious on issues of JPIC and to remind them of the national activities aligned to ACWECA Strategic Plan (2022 – 2027) so that together they can develop a JPIC Regional Plan.

The topical discussions of the workshop revolved around understanding the mission of the Church; the global, regional and country situation and how to respond to them; JPIC communication strategies and use of technology and visibility strategies; identification of social needs and lobbying techniques; the relevance of the current responses to the situation and mission of the Church; JPIC structure and networking and community involvement; and developing a common regional agenda – JPIC 2-year work plan, among others.

An opportunity of a ten minutes presentation was offered to all the National Associations to share about the situation in their countries, the JPIC interventions, activities, plans and challenges. The presentations helped participants to see that the issues of JPIC are almost the same in the countries within the region. The challenging issues included corruption, land grabbing and wrangle, Human Trafficking, inequalities, Climate Change, LGBTQ+ and others.

The main facilitator of the workshop, Mr. Kiama Peter, appealed to participants in the beautiful words of St. Francis of Assisi, “Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible, then you will do the impossible.”

Mr. Kiama also affirmed that JPIC is part of the mission of the Church and that the guiding principle of justice, peace and integrity of creation is the Catholic Social Teaching which is also a call to action.

He advised the participants to come up with prioritized common issues affecting the ACWECA region that they wish to focus on. Each Association drew up a four-quarter plan based on these issues. The participants in their sharing attested that this workshop created a base for the beginning of their journey together as ACWECA JPIC Coordinators.

The ACWECA staff were also given time slots to take the participants through the various programs and projects such as the Sisters Blended Value Program (SBVP), Communication Office, leadership and formation, Score Child Development and others.