KENYA: Papal Plea For Global Non-Violent Culture: A Coincidental Call for Ceasefire in Kenya.

Pope Francis. Credit; Courtesy photo
By Elizabeth Asasha
Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention for April is an en passant call for a cessation of hostilities between Kenyan state and non-state actors to end the ongoing political standoff.
In the April prayer intention titled, “For a non-violent culture”, the pontiff urged people and countries across the world to foster and pray for a non-violent culture based on peace and not conflict.
“Living, speaking, and acting without violence is not surrendering, losing or giving up anything, but aspiring to everything.” Said Pope Francis in a video message released on Thursday 30 March, the third day of the biweekly protests for electoral justice and the cost of living in Kenya.
His Holiness reminded everyone that peace is the holy grail and that it can only prevail without the use of armaments of war, saying, “Even in cases of self-defense, peace is the ultimate goal, and a lasting peace can exist only without weapons.”
The Holy Father’s message, coincidentally, comes at a time when Kenya is struggling with political bigotry upheaval suffused with scenes of bloodshed, death, and property vandalism occasioned by violent battles between law enforcers and protesters.
Video shots of Pope Francis delivering his message are intercut with scenes of bombed-out towns, war-torn cities, victims fleeing war, police at crime scenes, and peace protesters, a clear depiction of the situation in some parts of the country during the hebdomadal anti-government demonstrations.
Quoting Saint John XXIII’s Encyclical Pacem in Terris published on April 11, 1963, the Vicar of Christ reiterated that, “War is madness and beyond reason.”
“Any war, any armed confrontation, always ends in defeat for all.” Said the pontiff urging all people to develop a culture of harmony and tolerance.
The head of the Roman Catholic Church encouraged all people to apply non-violence as a guide to judgment and actions as the world ushers in the new month of April.
“Let us make non-violence a guide for our actions, both in daily life and in international relations, and let us pray for a more widespread culture of non-violence, that will progress when countries and citizens alike resort less and less to the use of arms.” Appealed 86-year-old Argentine Pontiff celebrated his pontificate anniversary on 13 March 2023.
In a papal interview conducted on the 10th papal anniversary, the pontiff revealed that his wish for the world is “peace.”
Francis’ call for a global non-aggression culture adds to a series of entreaties to Kenya’s president by spiritual leaders of different faiths and denominations to initiate a peaceful dialogue with the opposition pact and restore normalcy and stability in the country.
Leaders of the warring factions, however, have maintained their hardliner stances, with the head of the Azimio la Umoja One Kenya coalition, Rt. Hon. Raila Amollo Odinga, calling on his supporters to prepare for what he terms, “the mother of all demonstrations” to take place on Monday, April 3.
The pontiff’s monthly prayer intention is published by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network (Apostleship of Prayer), under the Pope Video Initiative.
Pope Francis is currently receiving treatment at the Gemelli Hospital in Rome for a respiratory infection, as Christians around the world unite in spirit to pray for his quick recovery in the hopes that he will be able to preside over the significant Holy Week liturgy that will commence with Palm Sunday on 2 April 2023.