ZAMBIA: Catholic Youths Bid Farewell to National Youth Coordinator

Sr. Nsofwa receiving a gift from the youth

Mwenya Mukuka

The National Movement for Catholic Students has paid tribute to the outgoing Zambia Conference Catholic Bishops (ZCCB) National Youth Coordinator Sr. Chanda Nsofwa.

In their words of gratitude, the youths highlighted Sr. Chanda’s 8 years of untiring, dedicated service to the Church in Zambia as National Youth Coordinator.

The youths spoke of her passion and openness to welcome all the young ones. They also mentioned Sr. Chanda’s reliability in accompanying them spiritually and following them up with what they described as motherly support in the different moments of their lives.

And in her farewell message to the youth, Sr. Nsofwa urged the youth to be the leaven in society by being relevant Catholic professionals who are strongly rooted in our catholic Christian values.

Sister Nsofwa has been posted by her congregation to Rome after an 8-year stint at the Catholic Secretariat as National Youth Coordinator.

She leaves for Rome where she will be collaborating in the Youth ministry department of her congregation, the Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco.

Fr. Christopher Kunda, SDB has since taken over the portfolio of ZCCB National Youth Coordinator.

The farewell Mass was organised by the National Movement for Catholic Students together with movement’s alumni at UNZA Chapel followed with dinner reception.
