MALAWI: Peacock Seeds Limited Donates Maize Seeds for Cyclone ANA Survivors

Sikwese (left) making a symbolic presentation of the maize seeds to Father Saindi as Sakunda-Ndhlovu looks on---Photo by Watipaso Mzungu, Nyasa Times

Stella Zulu

Following an appeal made by the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) for donations to Cyclone ANA survivors, individuals and private entities have joined hands with the Bishops by donating various items through Catholic Development Commission (CADECOM) for the affected people.

It is in the same spirit that Peacock Seed Limited donated medium maturing hybrid maize seeds to be replanted by the survivors as their fields were washed away. Speaking during the donation, Mr. Matthews Sikwese, the Production and Factory manager for Peacock Seeds Limited said the donation is to help farmers, who are also their customers, get relived from the floods shocks.

“We are aware that the farmers have lost the crops they already planted in the fields and life will be very difficult as they will have to start again. We are therefore, giving 4.8 tones of two varieties of Peacock MH 30 and Peacock 10 which are drought tolerant and are good for winter cropping as they mature early,” said Mr. Sikwese

He continued that the gesture is also meant to raise awareness in the country for farmers to adopt hybrid seeds which are more yielding and tolerant to climate change than local varieties.

Representing ECM, the Secretary General Rev Fr. Henry Saindi thanked Peacock Seeds Limited for the gesture. He assured them that the donation will reach the affected people.

“People have lost properties including crops, livestock and houses, the Bishops appealed for immediate needs like food and other necessities to alleviate the challenges people are facing and also for the people to rebuild their livelihoods; exactly what this donation is all about. The seeds will be distributed in the four dioceses of Chikwawa, Blanytre, Zomba and Mangochi which were greatly affected by the Cyclone,” said Fr. Saindi.

He further called on like-minded organizations and individuals to consider assisting the  Flood survivors as they still lack a lot of things

In her remarks, the CADECOM Caritas Malawi National Coordinator, Chimwemwe Sakunda-Ndhlovu, said registers of survivors on the ground will be used to identify beneficiaries and 1,200 farmers per diocese,  totaling to 4, 800 farmers from the four affected dioceses will benefit from the donation.

 The donation happened at the company’s main warehouse in Salima district of Lilongwe Archdiocese.