AMECEA: Laudato Si’ Implementation Requires “More Practical Approaches,” Cleric to AMECEA Conferences Coordinators

Fr Paul Igweta Mung’athia, AMECEA Integral Human Development Coordinator

Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA

As the Church in the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA) region prepares for the bishops’ 20th Plenary Assembly which will focus on ecology and protection of “our common home,” a concern of Pope Francis in his Encyclical Laudato Si, coordinators for departments of Promoting Integral Human Development (PIHD) and Justice and Peace in the region have been challenged to apply hands-on techniques for the implementation of the Encyclical.

At a virtual meeting on Wednesday, January 27, AMECEA PIHD Coordinator Fr. Paul Mung’athia Igweta reminded his colleagues drawn from six AMECEA conferences that since the bishops resolved that Laudato Si be acted upon urgently, it is time they come up with “more practical than theoretical approaches.”

As coordinators and all those who work under these social commissions, we need to implement Laudato Si document in the Universities, schools, parishes, homes, dioceses and in Small Christian Communities (SCC’s), Fr. Igweta emphasized.

He added, “Every member has to own the document and the best approach for us is to plan for an exhibition as an assembly for 2022, making Laudato Si’ so simple and having a guideline so that it can be understood in the Small Christian Communities.”

According to Fr Igweta, the Church in AMECEA ought to be actively engaged in addressing the issues of environmental injustices using the Encyclical and “create networks that will be identified as relevant and useful in restoring the dignity of the environment for a source of livelihood for all the people of AMECEA.”

Additionally, reflecting on the Pope’s message, the AMECEA PIHD Coordinator reminds the colleagues that being part of the AMECEA Church “we cannot ignore the call for an ecological conversion and there is no other way of being a credible Church today other than protecting the environment.”

The Thursday session brought together coordinators from Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Sudan, South Sudan, Tanzania, Zambia and the Local Ordinary of Djibouti Bishop Giorgio Bertin who doubles as the Apostolic Administrator of Mogadisco, Somalia.

Bishop Bertin the Chairman for Justice and Peace and Caritas in the two affiliate countries of AMECEA; Djibouti and Somalia, assured the coordinators of his presence and readiness to be part of the on-going preparations.

“I am happy to be with all of you from the AMECEA region and I just wanted to listen and be part of what you are sharing, keeping in mind that concerning Laudato Si’ we have had some activities in both Djibouti and Somalia,” Bishop Bertin who is a member of the Order of Friars Minor disclosed adding that, “We are planning for similar activities in the North Eastern part of Somalia.”

From the Conferences, the coordinators shared the various initiatives already in place regarding the implementation of Laudato Si’ in preparation for the Plenary Assembly to be held in Tanzania 2022.

“Since Zambia will have elections in August, the Conference had a workshop for all its agents on peace building and Laudato Si’ is very useful in connecting issues of peace building,” Zambia Coordinator Caritas Justice and peace, Mr. Eugene Kabilika shared with the members adding that, “If everything is connected it means that every person has a role to play in the way people live and in the way people relate to one another.”

In Malawi, the Commissions concerned with Laudato Si’ developed adaptive resilience programs which are being implemented within dioceses including planting of trees in communities and use of Catholic media stations in disseminating information related to Laudato Si’ and initiating discussions.

Fr. Igweta informed the conferences coordinators that many more other meetings will be organized to realize the dream of the Holy Father and the AMECEA forthcoming assembly.