KENYA: Bishops Encourage Open- air Masses in Guidelines on Re-opening of Public Worship

Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA

As Christians await for the resumption of public worship, Catholic Bishops have developed new directives to be observed during Liturgical services among them they have encouraged open-air masses.

The guidelines issued by the Bishops Conference in their statement released Tuesday, June 30, are in line with those already given by the Ministry of Health (MoH) with additional recommendations for liturgical services.

“Where Churches have big compounds,” the Bishops “encourage open- air Masses where plastic chairs can easily be arranged,” and “In the event that capacity restrictions are small, Parishes can consider or be encouraged to organize Masses on a day other than Sunday or Vigil Mass on Saturday evening to help spread out population and afford others the opportunity to also be present as permissible.”

In the statement signed by the KCCB Chairman Archbishop Philip Anyolo, the Conference has encouraged increasing the number of Masses and also celebrating the Sunday Masses in Small Christian Communities (SCCs) so that minimal number of Christians can attend at a time.

“For urban set-up increase the number of Masses (and) for rural set-up encourage and celebrate Sunday Masses in the Small Christian Community where the number is easily manageable.”

The Church leaders have proposed roles for various groups including Religious communities in public sensitization and capacity building.

In regard to this the Bishops advised Religious communities to “Identify what signage will be necessary to instruct the Faithful regarding fever or flu-like symptoms not to enter the Church, to display a poster of Covid-19 on posture display, use other channels available (like) Magazines or Radios,” and also “Train all Church Leaders as to capacity build of those managing the activities.”

Concerning phased re-opening, the Prelates have proposed stages beginning with 15% occupancy which will slowly advance to 25%, then 50% and finally 100%.

The Bishops have permitted administering of various Sacraments to the Christians with observation of strict guidelines for safety of all the involved parties.

When celebrating the Sacrament of baptism, “a minimum of 1.5 metres distance should be kept between the celebrant and others during the ceremony (and) a limited period of proximity during the anointings, the pouring of water, and the explanatory rites is permissible and necessary,” the Church leaders noted.

“The anointing associated with confirmation may not take place via the use of a cotton ball or other instrument. The anointing must be performed by the celebrant directly with his hand,” the statement reads in part and continued, “It is recommended during this period to limit the celebration of the Anointing of the Sick to those who are dying and those about to undergo serious surgery. Communal celebration of the sacrament should not be scheduled for this time.”

The Prelates assure the Christians of their safety and request for their patience as plans for resumption are underway.

“We are confident that we can assure our Christians of their safety when attending the Church services. We continue to urge you to be patient as we wait for the outcome of the Inter-Faith Council that was appointed by the President to give a roadmap towards re-opening the places of worship.”

“Meanwhile, let us continue praying for this pandemic to come to an end through the intercession of Blessed Virgin Mary and all the Saints. Let us never forget that our help is in the name of God who made heaven and earth,” They said.