UGANDA: UEC Vice Chairman appeals for support for Catholic Television project

Rt. Rev. Robert Muhiirwa, Bishop of Fort Portal UEC Vice Chairman

The Vice Chairman of the Uganda Episcopal Conference (UEC) and Bishop of Fort Portal Diocese, Rt. Rev. Robert Muhiirwa, has appealed to all Catholic faithful and people of good will to raise Two Billion Shillings towards the Church’s new project, Uganda Catholic TV (UCTV).

Speaking during a briefing of the Diocesan Communication Coordinators on the fundraising drive for the UCTV, Bishop Muhiirwa urged all Catholics in Uganda and well-wishers to contribute at least UGsh. 2, 000 per person towards the project.

“We Catholics have so much potential and if that potential is unleashed we can go very far. We have clear structures in our dioceses right from the parishes to sub-parishes down to Small Christian Communities (SCCs). I, therefore appeal to each one of you to contribute at least UGshs 2,000 (which is approximately half a dollar) but to those who can afford to give more the better,” Bishop Muhiirwa said.

The UEC acquired an operating license from Uganda Communications Communication (UCC) last year, and is now in the final stages of putting the Uganda Catholic Television (UCT) on air.

The bishop, who is also the patron of the UCTV Fundraising Committee said that with determination, focus and creativity the new Catholic television will be able to take-off early next year. “I have confidence that this will be the best television in Uganda. It will not only be for Catholics but also for non-Catholics,” he added.

In a report presented by the Secretary of Social Communications Department, Rev. Fr. Philip Odii, the Committee has proposed that the fundraising drive should be held for one month-period from December 15, 2018 to January 15, 2019, and all the money should be deposited directly into the TV project bank account and mobile money accounts.

“This committee will be responsible for organizing and coordinating all fundraising activities of the TV project. They will also organize for the opening of the TV project bank account and mobile money accounts,” reads a section of the report.

The report further states that the clergy, Religious, catechists, various Church leaders and all Catholic media institutions in Uganda should be requested to popularize this appeal and to guide the people on how they can contribute.

“The Committee proposes that the Diocesan Communication Coordinators should be the fundraising agents and coordinators in the Dioceses,” reads a section of the report.

Meanwhile in the same report, the launch of the TV testing will be done before the expiry of the annual broadcasting license which is March 14, 2019. The normal TV broadcasting will commence as soon as the financial and technical requirements are in place.

The new television will be tailored to promote the work of evangelization and integral human development in the country.


By Jacinta W. Odongo, Media Officer, Uganda Episcopal Conference