KENYA: Presentation on Civic Education Books and DVDs to KCCB Bishops by Pauline Publications

On 8 April 2016, during the Plenary Assembly of Kenya Bishops
Catholic Conference, we had the chance to present Books and DVDs on Civic
Education, just before the Press conference of the Bishops. It was a
providential opportunity, since many journalists and TVs were gathered for the
occasion and our presentation was live broadcasted by KTN television.

The presentation underlined the genesis of Civic Education project
and its development in this way: “Paulines Publications Africa, participating
on the evangelizing mission of the Church, through the use of mass media and
digital communication, came up with a 2012 Global Continental Apostolic Project
that gave top priority to Civic Education. Gathered here in Nairobi, we took as
commitment to create synergy among ourselves (FSP) as to address the needs of
today’s Africa, that is, to form an African Christian Culture. In fact Africae
is the springboard of this project and has helped us “to speak of
everything in a Christian way” as Blessed James Alberione our Founder often
urged us.

The preparatory stage involved brainstorming and elaboration of
content with the help of Bishop Harrington and experts, of AMECEA Pastoral
Department, KCCB Justice and Peace Commission, KCCB Education Commission, some
professors of Social Ministry Tangaza College and Strathmore University to
ensure a production of African Christian thought that also is a voice of
orientation for our people and platform of sharing with the World at large. For
the realization of it, we counted on the pastoral collaboration of Bishop
Maurice Makumba and Archbishop Martin Kivuva.”

The 12 Civic Education Booklets offer at the end of each chapter
the Social Teaching of the Church. The 4 DVDs are audiovisual aids in the form
of short stories that complement the books in offering a basic knowledge on the
rights and responsibilities of each citizen in promoting the common good. The
primary responsibility for building democracy and changing society rests with
the people: ordinary people actively involved in social change. Each DVD has 3 topics
and all DVDs were produced by our sisters and staff who participated in Luci nel Mondo formation program on
video production.
We published also the Handbook of Civic Education, a resource
book, providing information about public policy, politics, economics, culture,
the environment and related fields thereby encouraging the reader to work for a
more equal, democratic and inclusive society.
His Lordship Bishop Maurice Makumba introducing the Handbook of
Civic Education says: “The search for equal dignity, social justice and just
political systems, through responsible “servant” leadership and integrity, can
be like chasing a mirage if the populace is unaware of its basic rights and
duties… There is a need to redirect the minds and hearts of individuals towards
the common good because knowledge of a good person stimulates one to good
action. This is why we need civic education value-based and it has the dignity
of the human person at the heart.”
This material is for all involved in civic education: teachers,
grassroots workers, group and community leaders, Small Christian Communities,
pastoral agents in evangelization and all who are interested in working for
justice, peace and reconciliation.
At the end, there was a presentation of the books and DVDs to
Bishop Philip Anyolo, chairman of KCCB. In his turn, he thanked the Daughters
of St Paul for such and timely initiative for Kenya and for Africa. Many
Bishops acquired the material that we had displayed outside and urged us to
move on with this beautiful and unique mission in the Church.
We are grateful to the Divine Master, who opened this small window
to share with our shepherds and we feel encouraged by the words of our Founder
who said: “Our Congregation was born for the spread of truth and of all that is
useful for a loftier way of life… The Publications Office studies the needs of
the Church and society at the present time; it writes and gives rise to
competent writers, directing and editing their work so as to achieve the best
results, in accordance with the spirit and the letter of the Constitutions”(UPS
VI, 131).

By Sr. Olga Massango, FSP

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