KENYA: Time to refer to Vatican II, Bishop advises Kenyan Catholics

golden jubilee coincides with another equally important golden jubilee-Vatican
II-one of the most important reference points in the Church’s history, a bishop
has said.
Rt. Rev. Bishop Philip Anyolo
In an
exclusive interview with Rose Achiego of Waumini Communications Ltd, the
principal administrator of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB),
Bishop Philip Anyolo said that the Kenyan Church must look at the golden
jubilee celebrations as a window of opportunity to reflect on both national and
spiritual achievements. 
Anyolo added that the Church in Kenya must take time to re-read the Second
Vatican Council document, which he described as an elaborate guide to a
fulfilling life and sound spiritual development.
He said that
as one of the fastest growing African Countries, Kenya faces numerous
challenges including materialism, moral decadence breakdown of family values
and ungodliness.
He called
on the Catholic Church to reflect more on the year of faith and stamp the
teachings of Christ into the lives of the faithful. The Church, he said,
remains an important reference point in the stormy sea of moral and spiritual
Bishop said the year of faith offered an opportunity for all Catholics to renew
their commitment to Christ, in their families, work place and Church.
Source: KCCB

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