ZAMBIA: Bishop Patrick Chisanga Emphasizes Sanctity of Marriage and Family Life During Lenten Observance

Bishop Patrick Chisanga OFM Conv

Catholic Diocese of Mansa Media

As part of his Pastoral Visitation, the Bishop of Mansa Rt. Rev. Patrick Chisanga OFM Conv., has met with lay movements at Mansa Cathedral, where he emphasized the importance of marriage, family life, and charity work.

The bishop engaged with members of Catholic Women’s League, Catholic Men’s League, St. Anne, St. Joachim, Nazareth, Lodovico, and Marriage Encounter—all groups dedicated to strengthening Christian family values and community service.

During his address, Bishop Chisanga highlighted that lay organizations share in the common mission of the Church including the upholding of sanctity of life through charity and spiritual support, strengthening marriage and family values in response to moral challenges in society, expressing faith and obedience as baptized Christians, and forming one communion with both the living and the departed.

“Our charity extends even to those whom God alone knows,” the Bishop noted, reinforcing the universal call to love and serve others.

Encouraging the lay faithful, Bishop Chisanga urged members to recognize and value their spiritual gifts (charisms), warning against undermining or dismissing the gifts given by God.

He drew from Christ’s parable of the two sons (Matthew 21:28-32), where one son initially refused his father’s instructions but later obeyed, reminding the faithful that what matters is ultimate faithfulness to God’s call.

Bishop Chisanga expressed concern over moral indecency in society, calling upon these lay movements to actively safeguard the sanctity of marriage.

He referenced Pope Francis’ apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia (“The Joy of Love”), which emphasizes the importance of family as the foundation of society and the Church, need for the accompaniment of struggling marriages with pastoral care and mercy, call to refresh and renew commitment in married life through prayer, dialogue, and community support

He further urged these lay organizations to take a proactive role in preparing couples for marriage, ensuring they understand its sacramental significance, supporting married couples, especially during times of difficulty, by offering guidance and encouragement, and accompanying struggling families, helping them navigate challenges while staying faithful to their vows.

“Marriage is a sacred vocation. It requires support, renewal, and the grace of God. Let us, as a Church, walk together in strengthening our families,” he concluded.

The bishop’s message served as a strong reminder that marriage and family life are central to the mission of the Church. The lay movements present committed themselves to working alongside the bishop in protecting and promoting strong Christian families.