SOUTH SUDAN: A call to Prayer for Quick Recovery of Pope Francis

Sr. Henriette Anne, FSSA
Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala of the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio (CDTY) has called on all the clergy, Religious men and women, and lay faithful to join in fervent prayers for a swift recovery of the Holy Father.
“With deep concern and profound love for our Holy Father, Pope Francis, I write to you today urging all the faithful of our beloved Diocese to unite in fervent prayer for his swift and complete recovery. As he carries the burdens of the Church and shepherds us with wisdom and love, let us, in return, support him with our prayers and sacrifices”.
In his letter shared with AMECEA Online News, the prelate reflecting from the Scripture of James 5:16, asked the faithful to trust in the power of prayer and intercede for Holy Father.
He urged every parish, Religious institution, and households within the Diocese to offer special prayers for Pope Francis, entrusting his health and wellbeing to God.
“I request that in all parishes, Religious institutions, and homes, special prayers be offered unceasingly for Pope Francis. May our Eucharistic celebrations, Rosaries, and personal devotions be offered with heartfelt supplication for his healing and strength”. He explained.
He continued “May the Lord, the Divine Healer, bless Pope Francis with renewed strength,
health, and peace. May our Mother Mary, Queen of the Church, watch over him and intercede on his behalf.”