KENYA: Nuncio to Kenya Urges Global Solidarity for Migrants, Refugees at International Conference on Fratelli Tutti

Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya Hubertus Van Megan
Sr. Henriette Anne, FSSA
The Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya, His Excellency Hubertus van Megen, has called for a renewed commitment to global solidarity and inclusion for migrants, refugees, and displaced persons, adding, “The world is shaped by movement; whether voluntary or forced, we are challenged to rethink our perspectives on human existence, mutual care, and future coexistence”.
Speaking on the day two of the International Conference on Fratelli Tutti on 2nd February 2025 he delivered a keynote address titled “Belonging Together: Migrants, Refugees, Displaced Persons, and Global Solidarity.” The Apostolic Nuncio to Kenya emphasized that migration has been part of human history from time immemorial, shaping societies and cultures across the globe saying that contemporary forced migration, caused by conflicts, natural disasters, or economic hardship, exposes the fragility of human life.
“Migration is as old as human civilization itself. It has shaped societies, economies, and cultures throughout history. Yet, the forced movement of people due to war, persecution, and economic hardship reminds us of the fragility of human existence
“Migrants and refugees teach us that human existence is fragile yet resilient. Their stories are filled with loss, courage, and hope. These experiences remind us of our shared humanity,” Van Megan said, referencing Pope Francis’s exhortation in Fratelli Tutti to choose between being Good Samaritans or remaining indifferent bystanders.
The Nuncio stressed that migration should not be viewed as an anomaly but as an integral part of the human experience, one that should be met with compassion rather than suspicion.
Highlighting the valuable contributions that migrants make to their host communities, he said that Migrants and refugees, bring with them skills, cultures, and aspirations that enrich their new environments.
“Migrants do not come as empty vessels. They are healthcare workers, entrepreneurs, artists, teachers, and frontline workers. Their resilience and determination are opportunities to redefine our frameworks of mutual care,” Van Megan remarked.
He urged “societies to embrace diversity as an inherent and enriching aspect of the human condition. By listening to the stories of migrants, refugees and displaced persons we gain deeper insight into the universal human need for home, community, and acceptance”.
Archbishop Van Megan noted that the contribution of migrants on economies, revitalize communities, and enrich societies with cultural diversity need to be recognized stressing that in their “resilience and resourcefulness, they embody the values of hard work, creativity, and solidarity. Their contributions challenge us to build inclusive social and economic systems that recognize every person’s right to participate fully in community life”.
He added that their skills, cultural knowledge, labor, and entrepreneurial spirit fuel economic growth, innovation, and social cohesion.
He further called for the creation of inclusive policies that ensure migrants can fully participate in social, economic, and community life. This includes access to education, healthcare, and equitable labor practices.
“Hospitality is not merely an act of charity, it is an investment in the common good,” he emphasized.
In his final reflections, the Nuncio stressed the importance of fostering intergenerational and intercultural inclusion through participatory governance. He called for the active involvement of migrants in policy-making processes to ensure their voices are heard and their needs are met.
“A truly participatory society is one where the voices of migrants and displaced persons are included at every level,” Van Megan said. He urged societies to adopt educational systems that foster empathy and global citizenship and to challenge narratives of fear and exclusion.