AMECEA: “We Must Walk Together in Dialogue Not Mere Conversation,” Says Fr. Makunde to Coordinators of Interreligious Dialogue

Fr Anthony Makunde the Secretary General of AMECEA during the workshop.

Sr. Henriette Anne, FSSA

At a consultative workshop of Coordinators of Interreligious Dialogue from Association of Members Episcopal Conference in Eastern Africa (AMECEA) region, Fr. Anthony Makunde the Secretary General of AMECEA stressed in his opening speech that “interreligious dialogue and ecumenism is not an option, but it is an obligation, it is about conversion of the heart, change of heart and mind, of relationship, of renewed commitment”.

Addressing the coordinators at the workshop schedule for the regional capacity building and skills strengthening on advancing on ecumenical and interreligious engagement for the deradicalization held at Donum Die from Tuesday, February 11, to 15th 2025 in Nairobi Kenya, Fr. Makunde noted that despite a considerable progress the full vision of “Nostra Aetate” remains unfulfilled.

He acknowledged that there is persistent presence of division, suspicion, and religious extremism and emphasized that extremism is often not merely a matter of religious conviction but deeply rooted in social injustices, marginalization, oppression, and economic disparities, and that religion in many cases is manipulated as a tool for political struggles.

“We must also acknowledge that, despite progress, we have not fully achieved the vision of Nostra Aetate. We still witness division, suspicion, and, tragically, religious extremism. But let us not make the mistake of believing that extremism is purely a matter of religious conviction. More often than not, violence is rooted in deeper societal issues; injustice, marginalization, oppression, and unequal distribution of resources. Religion is sometimes used as a cover for political or social struggles”, Fr. Makunde said.

Expressing his concern on how to build relationship especially with Muslims who form the majority in this part of the continent, the Tanzanian cleric proposed to the coordinators of interreligious dialogue to engage in true dialogue which go

Participants of Inter-religious and Ecumenism forum, representing  four Conferences of the AMECEA Region.

beyond mere conversation remembering it is not about proving who is right but about learning to walk together“We must engage in genuine dialogue, not mere conversation. Dialogue is not about proving who is right; it is about understanding and walking together in mutual respect”.

In order to build mutual relationship Fr. Makunde also urged the coordinators the “the social and economic grievances that fuel radicalization saying that when people are involved, they feel included, valued, and treated with justice.

He further told the coordinators to lead by example since they have the responsibility of fostering peace not just by word of mouth but by action.

“We must lead by example, as religious leaders and coordinators, we have a responsibility to foster peace—not just in words, but in action”.

He continued “let this gathering be a moment of renewal, a step forward in making Nostra Aetate not just a historical document but a lived reality in our communities”.