AMECEA: New AMECEA Pastoral Coordinator Promises Continuity and Enhanced Pastoral Effectiveness

Coordinator for AMECEA Pastoral Department Rev. Fr. Florence Rutaihwa Rwehumbiza
Sr. Henriette Anne, FSSA
In an interview with AMECEA Online News, the new coordinator for AMECEA Pastoral Department Rev. Fr. Florence Rutaihwa Rwehumbiza has acknowledged the strong foundation laid by his predecessor Fr. Emmanuel Chimombo, promising that as he takes this new role, he will ensure seamless transition and enhanced pastoral effectiveness.
Sharing on his reaction upon achieving the news of his appointment, the Tanzanian born clergy admitted that he was shocked and surprised, but after meditating he courageously accepted the appointment recognizing that God has His plans for those He calls to serve.
“As I was meditating upon this appointment, I came to the conclusion that God always has His plans for those He chooses to carry out His mission. I told myself that now I have to review my plan of life so that it aligns with the mission of AMECEA Secretariat.”
To build on the strong foundation which he has found, Fr. Rwehumbiza said that he will work closely with AMECEA Secretary General whose leadership has consistently supported the Pastoral Department, collaborate with donor partners to sustain ongoing pastoral programs, strengthen the workforce by addressing gaps to improve program implementation and finally engage professionals from AMECEA institutions to offer services and support specific pastoral initiatives.
During the interview, Fr. Rwehumbiza outlined a clear vision for his tenure saying that his mission is to inspire and support Pastoral Departments across AMECEA member conferences, ensuring that pastoral activities are implemented and continuously improved.
Concerning his plans for the department, he identified main priority areas that he wants AMECEA to focus on, which including strengthening Small Christian Communities (SCCs), enhancing the Pastoral and Biblical Apostolate Ministry, strengthening Religious Education and Catechesis.
He expressed great concern over the state of Religious Education particularly in schools, and noted that as a region they need to put much effort in Religious Education, through having relevant materials which are insisting on faith and moral, involving Vhristian Community especially the clergy, consecrated men and women, and retired Catholic teachers in teaching Religious Education in Schools for promoting good conducts among the young generation, and those teaching catechetical centers to at least attend short courses.
“The teaching of religious studies in primary and secondary schools should be given priority. In case we don’t teach religious studies in school there is a danger of our children to go to attend religious study sessions to other denominations. This will cause confusion to them because they will not be in position to find their clear identity of their denomination in this Catholicism,” he warned.
Acknowledging that he cannot work alone, Fr Florence calls upon all Pastoral Coordinators in AMECEA region to work together and with the other departments in the respective Catholic Secretariats.
“Our departments will achieve significant success by embracing collaborative ministry, where programs are planned and implemented as a team. TEAM means Together Each Achieves More,” he stated. He continued, “Their support is crucial for the success of these initiatives, as the workload is too extensive for one person to handle alone”.