KENYA: Catholics Called to Coherence in Faith During Jubilee 2025

Sr. Henriette Anne, FSSA

As Catholic Christians worldwide embrace the Jubilee Year 2025 themed “Pilgrims of Hope”, which calls everyone to rediscover their faith, embrace renewal, and commit to justice, mercy, and solidarity, Mr. Paschal Norbert highlighted its significance during a recent webinar organized by Catholic Media Network in Nairobi for Catholic Media Professionals in Kenya on understanding the jubilee year of Hope 2025.

Speaking on the Jubilee Year 2025 he emphasized the importance of aligning faith with practical actions stating, “We have to blend our spiritual conversion with societal transformation”.

“The jubilee year is a point of re-connecting with ourselves, reconnecting with Christ, a point of strengthening our faith and our love”, he emphasized.

The webinar held on January 16th, 2024, brought together Catholic journalists and media professionals in Nairobi to deepen their understanding of the nature, significance and celebration of the Jubilee Year. The virtual even aimed to equip participants with the knowledge necessary to effectively communicate the essence of the Holy Year to their audiences.

Mr. Paschal Norbert, the editor of the Seed Magazine and Catholic Information Service for Africa (CISA) explained that ordinary jubilees follow the 25-year cycle, extraordinary jubilees are proclaimed to address pressing issues; for instance, the jubilee year of Mercy in 2015, declared by Pope Francis, to encouraged reconciliation and renewed faith amidst global challenges, and he also referenced the 1983 jubilee which commemorated that marked 1,950 years since Christ death and resurrection.

During the webinar, he added that the theme “Pilgrims of Hope” reflects on a timely response to global challenges. He explained that it highlights the Church’s mission to inspire transformation by rebuilding hope in the wake of the pandemic and other global crises, fostering solidarity and fraternity, and advancing both spiritual and societal renewal, promoting ecological responsibility, and encouraging collective action.

Addressing over 100 participants, Nobert highlighted that the Jubilee Year is deeply rooted in acts of faith with granting of indulgences being central to its observance including repentance and detachment from sin, receiving the sacraments of penance and Holy Communion, praying for the intentions of the Pope, and undertaking pilgrimage to designated holy sites for one to obtain plenary indulgence.

He further elaborated that “Jubilee year 2025 follows sacred tradition of forgiveness, and grace, fosters solidarity, justice and inner transformation, and it is centered on Christ inspiring faith, charity, and unity within the Church and society”, he added, “Pope Francis envisioned this whole year as a pilgrimage of hope urging all to spread this virtue through their actions, and witness, touching the lives of those seeking re-assurance and renewal”.