KENYA: Bishop Oballa Urges Evangelizing Sisters of Mary to Treasure Evangelical Vows

Sr. Henriette Anne, FSSA
During the celebration of the Perpetual Profession and Silver Jubilee by some members of the evangelizing sisters of Mary on Monday, 6th January 2025, a celebration that coincided with the Epiphany of the Lord, a feast commemorating the revelation of Christ to the Gentiles, Bishop John Oballa Owaa of Ngong’ Diocese, Kenya, called upon the sisters to remember that their evangelical councils are the treasures from the core of their being that they offer whole heatedly to the Lord just like the three wise men who offered their treasures to the Infant Jesus.
“Like the Magi, the three wise men, who offered the child Jesus gold, frankincense, and myrrh, these evangelical councils are the treasures from the core of your being that you offer whole heatedly to the Lord. To enabled you carry the mission entrusted to you, the apostolate, and to witness to the Gospel by quality availability to the service of God in his beloved people.
The Local Ordinary of Ngong Diocese reminded the sisters that their evangelical counsels are supernatural responses, requiring faith to live fully.
“Like the theological virtues of faith, hope and love, the evangelical councils are not normal; they are supernatural calling from you something that only in the light of faith you can accept. Only in the light of faith can one live the vows”.
He explained that “Only in the light of faith can one live the vow of obedience by opening one’s heart, to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and to do the will of God rather than his/hers. Obedience to the legitimate superiors, fidelity to the Charism of the Congregation, constitution, obedience to the community where you live”. He added, “In the light of faith can one live the life of consecrated poverty as per the example of Jesus Christ who became poor for our sake, came to serve and not to be served, emptying his very self to the cross. It is only in the light of faith that one can live out chastity which is offered in love for the Lord and in the Lord, bride groom who is preferred above all else”.
Reflecting on the journey of the Magi and the missionary calling he reminded the sisters of their readiness to evangelize people of all cultures and languages, and bring light of Christ to the world.
“The Church rejoices with you on this very solemnity of Epiphany of Lord, and our interpretation is that you as a congregation express your readiness as a missionary congregation to go the rest of the world, to all people of all languages and cultures to evangelize them.”
In his homily during the celebration which took place in Ngong Diocese, Bishop Obala reflecting on the guiding star that led the Magi to Bethlehem highlighted that “The star was there for everyone to see, but not all had the eye to see. The star is still there for everyone to see, but not to those who do not want to see”, stressing that the star symbolizes Christ, the light of the world, shinning even in the deepest darkness.
Addressing the Religious and clergy who want to follow Christ more closely, the prelate opined that they have seen the light, the star is guiding them in the journey of their lives to follow Christ more closely and love Him more dearly.
“Our dear Religious and clergy who want to follow Christ, who want to follow Christ more closely. You have seen the light; the star guides you in the journey of your lives to follow Christ more closely and love Him more dearly”.
He further looked at the sacrifices of parents, professionals, and faithful who choose integrity over corruption, and services of self-gain as the modern day witnessing to the light of Christ.
“There are fathers whose families, who work long hours, even endanger their own lives to provide the best for their families, offering them opportunities that they did not even have for themselves”, he continued, “their mothers who give there all, they set aside even their carriers, for professional advancement, or anything that could be advantageous to them as person so long as anything stands between them and the family, they will let it go. They give their all for the good of their families. They have seen the light, they have seen the star, they are guided by the star, they are people who have been offered promotion but upon hearing that they have to give that which facilitate the process, they have turned down the offer. They don’t want to dirty their hands with that which prompt them to sin. They have seen the light”.
He added that many remain blind to this light, consumed by worldly pleasures, power, and wealth. “Those who are wholly drawn to pleasures of this world, those who entertain ambition of raw power ready to kill any who threaten their position even if ridiculously is an infant like in the case of Jesus and Herod are in darkness, they do not see, they are blinded, they cannot see the star. Those in pursuit of wealth for its sake, a massing wealth are blinded and refused to Jesus Christ as the true King and the Lord of their life”.
He also encouraged sisters to embody the humility of the Magi, who despite their wisdom and status knelt in adoration before the infant Jesus urging them to witness Christ not only through their vows but through their compassionate service to the sick, the orphaned, the widowed, and the marginalized.
“I invite you to do two other things, that the Magi did, they had the humility to worship the child Jesus, they adored Him. They came to Christ through their knowledge, through their science. What did they see in that unwelcoming, and lowly manger, what did they see that made them bend their knees to adore this little infant? They had the spirit of humility, regardless of your knowledge, of your status, its only in humility that you can bend your knees and worship Christ”
He added, “The second thing the Magi did, was to take another route, after the dream, so change direction, be transformed, take another route, we are all growing into His likeness, we must grow, we must change, and that means taking a different route being filled with joy, forgiveness, and gratitude to God each time we encounter Christ”.
Echoing the words of Pope Fracis he noted, “Pope Francis commends on Spirit filled evangelization, as not simply a set of tasked beautifully carried out despite of one personal inclination and wishes. But an evangelization full of favor, joy, generosity, courage and boundless love and attraction”.
He Continued “You as sisters of the Holy Jubilee, taking your perpetual profession in the year of the Holy Jubilee whose themed as “Pilgrims of Hope”, Hope does not disappoint, ignite these flame of hope in all people you serve, radiate that hope, like a seed, saw that hope of the risen Lord, the Light that overcame the darkness of death, that we adore as the Son of God”.