TANZANIA: Association of Catholic Women in Tanzania WAWATA visits the Parliament

Sarah Pelaji
The Association of Catholic Women in Tanzania (WAWATA) visited the Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania’s Capital Dodoma on November 4, at the invitation of the Minister of Social Development, Gender, Women and Special Groups Hon. Dr. Dorothy Gwajima.
After observing the parliamentary session and being introduced in the parliament by the Chairman of the Parliament Dr. Joseph Kizito Mhagama, WAWATA held a meeting with the Ministry led by the Secretary of the Ministry Dr. Seif Shekalaghe.
The aim of the ministry invitation, was to know more about WAWATA, their objectives, mission, vision, and what they do including their strategic and action plans.
Explaining the role of WAWATA in society, the National Chairperson Mrs. Evaline Malisa Ntenga said “Catholic Women Tanzania” was established in 1972 with the main goal of uniting Catholic Women in Tanzania to sanctify themselves and the world.
Every Catholic woman, baptized on the basis of the Catholic Church is a member of WAWATA, there is no entry fee.
WAWATA has a Constitution that guides them whose purpose aliens with the Constitution of the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organisation – (WUCWO)
Work plan for them in 2023-2025.
Mrs. Malisa explained how WAWATA works through an annual work plan based on the major priorities of the Church.
One of their priorities is to focus on family formation by responding to the call of the Holy Father by starting with a new spirit, the journey of love life within the family through the document of the Holy Father ‘Amoris Letitia’ ‘The Joy of Love’.
More energy is invested in the boy child who is partially forgotten. While they also experience the violence.
Environmental Care
WAWATA continues to implement the 2019 action plan of environmental care and protecting life by providing more education to children and youth. Care of creation to create a healthy planet depends on all of us guided by the Encyclical of Laudato Si”.
“Since 2019 when we celebrated our 50th anniversary in 2022, we had planned to plant 340,000 trees in the country through a diocese, parish, and small Christian Community approach.
We succeeded in planting 530,416 now we continue to nurture them, she said while adding;
This year we have started a campaign “to plant hopes” through the Planting Hope Campaign. We want to plant trees to give hope to our generation that they will inherit a healthy planet.
The Catholic women also respect Freedom of Worship as they defend the freedom of worship as the basis of the way to build brotherhood and bring Peace, similar to the Holy Father’s document of “Fratelli Tutti” in collaboration with other denominations to find a solution to cross challenges in communities caused by religious conflicts.
For this purpose, at the beginning of March, every year women from Christian churches (Catholics, Lutherans, Salvation Army, EGT, Pentecost, and others) come together to pray a common prayer throughout the country.
Citizenship Education
WAWATA provides citizenship and political education to participate actively in the construction of the Nation and various elections, including the 2024 local government elections and the 2025 general elections.
In the 2020 general election, WAWATA managed to get three council seats, where Hon Paschazia Mayalla (who is a Dodoma ward councilor), Hon Anjelina Nyangasa (who is a special seats councilor), and Hon Josephine John Qamunga (who is a Sisimba ward councilor in Mbeya City).
WAWATA pay more attention to the Protection and Safety of Children regardless of gender.
The association fight against gender violence. This is a project implemented by the World Women Observatory (WWO) to reach out to women who are going through various challenges, especially human trafficking, sexual violence, refugees, discrimination, and gender-based violence that has flourished in our societies.
The Secretary General of the Ministry of Social Development, Gender, Women and Special Groups, Dr. Seif Shekalaghe, appreciated WAWATA for visiting the ministry which is related to their ministry.
He also appreciated WAWATA for what they are and do for they help the government to shape a better society.
Responding to their Action Plan, Dr. Shekalaghe, handed over the implementation of gender violence, to the Deputy Secretary General of the Ministry. Felista Mdemu who deals with all issues of Gender and Women, so that they can continue to communicate and share various issues.
About Child safeguarding he said that the ministry also has a campaign to Eradicate Sexual Violence against Children through the National Campaign of MTAKUWWA.
The campaign is independent and voluntary and involves all Tanzanians from all social groups and all genders regardless of any differences in politics, ideology, or belief.
To identify and create a community network capable of raising voices to fight and eradicate violence against all genders Men, women, children, and the elderly.
Regarding the tree planting campaign, he requested WAWATA to make an assessment and see how many trees among the 500,000 planted have grown, how many are fruit,” he said.
As a way of celebrating 52 years since its establishment in the country, the minister requested WAWATA to identify the impact they have brought to society.
He has promised to cooperate with WAWATA in all areas of their strategic plan while congratulating Chairman Evaline Malisa and admitting that she is a capable leader who recognizes her responsibilities.