TANZANIA: Bishop Kassala Insists Catholic Journalists Publicize the Synod Document

Sarah Pelaji
The second assembly of the Synod of Bishops was concluded on Sunday, October 26 in Rome.
Immediately Pope Francis approved the Synod documents which recommended a change in style and significant reforms in the Catholic Church.
Among the Synod delegates, Tanzania was presented by Bishop Flavian Kassala of the Catholic Diocese of Geita and Archbishop Jude Thaddaeus Ruwa’ichi OFM Cap of Dar es Salaam Catholic Archdiocese.
Speaking during the Press Conference immediately after the arrival from the Synod assembly, Bishop Flavian Kassala explained that, among other things, the document gives directions for changes within the Church for the coming days, some of which are legal, so its implementation will also depend on changes in some aspects on Church Laws.
The document, which was produced by some 400 delegates from around the world, He said Pope Francis surprised the world after approving the synod document instead of publishing an apostolic exhortation.
“It is a magisterial document typically published after the synod offering the pope’s reflections.
Instead, he said, the document already contains “highly concrete indications” to guide the church’s mission.
The pope also noted the work of the special study groups on some of the most contentious issues that surfaced throughout the three-year process. Their work is expected to continue through June 2025.
The synodal church, the pope said, now needs its words “to be accompanied by action for all of us are countable,” Bishop Kassala said
The document broadly called for “full implementation of all the opportunities already provided for in Canon Law with regard to the role of women, particularly in those places where they remain under-explored.”
He said that the Document has some changes that will happen in the Church including the powers and responsibilities of the Bishop of the Church where there are also legal aspects while other changes will depend on the advice from the Episcopal Advisory Council.
It has also touched on a good way to unite the Western Church and the Eastern Church in order to strengthen its mission of working under the Holy Father, where in this document it has been explained that when the Father makes a declaration, a Special Council (Council) must be created so that his declaration can work for the Church East and West.
But the document also touched on the gifts of the clergy and a good way to involve lay people in building unity within the Church that cares about love and openness.
“We know that there are priests who have gifts… those gifts should work in accordance with the guidelines of the Church.
“Priests and all those with high ranks to carry out their mission with transparency especially in Church’s resources, including financial resources. The Synod auditing in the provision of services, including spiritual or social services,” said Bishop Kassala.
But the document also offers an invitation to those who give the Sacrament of Penance to have a listening ear and heal the scars of people who have been wounded instead of becoming judges.
About the issues of LGTBQ, Bishop Kassala has made it clear that the Document is not justified because it is not God’s plan.
The document does not talk about killing them but about helping them in their weakness so that they can get rid of it.
About women Deacons, Bishop Kassala also explained that the Church allows women to participate in teaching the Faith in the community and even serve as “Acolytes”. Deaconship is not necessarily to lay hands and bless people, but it is a mission to serve the community.
But neither does the Church close the door on such possibilities. The synod’s document notes that access to the diaconate for women “remains open” and calls for a church that does not exclude people because of their “marital situation, identity or sexuality.”
He said that the document is a gift to the Catholic Church for it includes many different issues. He requests journalists to play their part in translating it into simple language and ensure proper publicity so that it is known to all.