KENYA: “CUEA is Divinely Inspired,” Vice Chancellor to Graduands

Very Rev. Prof. Stephen Mbugua
Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA
Celebrating 40th anniversary, on the eve of the 43rd graduation for the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA), the graduands were reminded that the Kenya-based Catholic Institution which is to be their alma mater University is divinely inspired and its growth stems from a source beyond human wisdom.
In his address to the 2024 graduands in Langata Campus graduation square in Nairobi, Thursday, October 24, the Vice Chancellor (VC) Very Rev. Prof. Stephen Mbugua Ngari noted that the growth of CUEA has been through God’s providence.
“To me, CUEA is an institution that is divinely inspired. Our university’s journey from a Theological Institute to a full-fledged University is indeed a great milestone,” the Kenyan cleric highlighted to the over 3180 graduands and expounded further referencing the Scriptures, “The 40 years of CUEA’s existence resonates well with the Biblical waiting for God’s providence, which we have experienced in full.”
Just like the Israelite’s challenging journey towards the promised land, the VC who doubles as Rector said, “CUEA has had its fair share of challenges and we are grateful to God that He has carried us successfully through these phases.”
Fr. Mbugua revealed to the graduands from over 30 countries and all the stakeholders who attended the functions that plans are underway to make the Institute of Canon Law and Department of Philosophy Ecclesiastical. “This will make CUEA a fully recognized Pontifical University and we pray that the Dicastery of Culture and Education supports us as we commence on this ambitious journey.”
He promised that the University shall offer relevant and innovative education in society as the University “executes her mandate to mold and form students to be ethical leaders for the Church and society.”
The 43rd graduation ceremony has been held under the theme: ‘Celebrating 40 years of excellence and resilience in transforming communities through ethical research, innovation, education and service.’