UGANDA: Bishop Wanok Appeals for Love and Unity in Family

Rt Rev Sanctus Lino Wanok addressing teachers during Education Week in Lira diocese

Fr Isaac Ojok

The Bishop of Lira Diocese Rt. Rev. Sanctus Lino Wanok has implored Christian families in to grow in love and unity, in a bid to have peace in the society.

He made the appeal at the ordination of Rev. Deacon Jude Ssabayinda of the congregation of Comboni Missionaries of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on 17th October 2024 at St Peter Cleaver Ngetta Parish, Lira Diocese.

In his address, Bishop Wanok mentioned that presently, the society is experiencing conflicts, wars, saying it is a manifestation of lack of love which has diminished in families, the reason why it is paramount for people to live in love in their families.

The prelate went on to reveal that it is the responsibility of all stake holders in the region to double efforts in ensuring that love, peace and unity are nurtured in the vicinities.

He called on parents to mentor their children at the time when they are still young in a bid to have responsible leaders in the future

He urged Ugandan Catholics to unite in denouncing the increasing conflicts occurring globally starting from their families.

As principal celebrant, Bishop Wanok reiterated that the rise in warfare worldwide poses a significant threat to the lives of Christians, and he attribute this crisis to a pervasive lack of love among individuals. He encouraged Ugandan Christians to adopt an anti-war stance, promoting a spirit of synodality rooted in love, and to serve as beacons of hope in a world marked by indifference.

Regarding the ordination, the Bishop advised the newly ordained Deacon to seek divine guidance, asking God to fill him with the Holy Spirit and wisdom, ensuring he remains focused and not swayed by worldly temptations that could lead to divided loyalties.

He stressed that a true minister of God should serve the community with humility and without expectations of financial gain. He urged him to remain committed to his vocation, avoiding any pursuit of monetary compensation and actions that could tarnish his reputation in the mission.

Furthermore, the Bishop called upon the deacon to serve all people equitably, regardless of their tribe, denomination, or race.

Rev. Deacon Jude Ssabayinda, a Comboni missionary, born in 1992 in the Parish of St. Francis of Assisi, Kitayusa, expressed his commitment to serving the Lord wherever he may be assigned, shortly after taking his vows.
