TANZANIA: Catholic Women Association Presents History, Strategic Plan to President Samia

Sarah Pelaji- Tanzania

The Association of Tanzania Catholic Women (WAWATA) have submitted a history book which also contains strategic plan actions of implementation for their apostolate to the President of The United Republic of Tanzania Honorable Samia Suluhu Hassan.

The book contains the history of WAWATA since its inception in 1972 until now to the Tanzania’s Minister of Community Development, Gender, Women, and Special Groups Dr. Dorothy Gwajima on behalf of the President Samia Suluhu Hassan who was on other national duties. The National Chairlady of WAWATA, Mrs. Eveline Malisa, accompanied by the Executive Committee of WAWATA at National level, handed over the book on October 15, 2024, at the Office of the Ministry of Community Development, Gender, Women and Special Groups in Dar es Salaam.

Mrs. Eveline explained the purpose of presenting the book to President Samia that, in 2022 WAWATA at National level celebrated the 50th Jubilee since its establishment. The event was held at Benjamin Mkapa National Stadium with President Samia Suluhu Hassan as the official guest of the event.

  “One of our plans that we had set for the jubilee period was to launch our book of the history of our WAWATA since it was founded in 1972, where we came from, where we are and where we are going. Due to the inspiration of our Bishops, they advised us to wait first so that the events of our jubilee celebrations can be included in this book,” she said.

“Since we were counting on President Samia to launch this book at that time, we have decided to give her this book so that among his duties to build Tanzania, she will have better understand the meaning of WAWATA, its duties, its history as well as our practical strategies,” said Eveline who is also the President of Catholic Women in Africa and the Board Member of the Association of Catholic Women in the World  (WUCWO).

The Minister of Social Development, Gender, Women and Special Groups Dr. Dorothy Gwajima on behalf of the President Samia congratulated and appreciated WAWATA for the efforts to prepare the book as it shows the bravery of women in efforts to fight against gender violence and manage education in society. She has requested WAWATA along with other women’s associations in Tanzania to cooperate with the government to put efforts in bringing about development within the community, especially the families.

 “On behalf of our President Samia Suluhu Hassan, I welcome you with open arms. You were Her guests but due to her tight schedules she requested me to receive you, listen, and then give her feedback. Congratulations to the efforts as Catholic Women in Tanzania,” said Minister Gwajima.

While incidents of cruelty and acts of moral erosion continue to take hold in society, Minister Gwajima has called on women to increase their strength in child formation to create a God-fearing generation. This comes when there are incidents of murder, rape, sexism and violence that cause panic and fear in the community while the biggest victims are women and children.

Minister Gwajima explained that due to the great role that women have in nurturing the family, they should ensure that they plant good seeds in children so that they become members of society with morals and fear of God. She said despite men being an important pillar in the upbringing and development of children, women still have a great chance to be part of creating a better society as they have more time to be close to children.

“These people we see committing acts of cruelty, they have come from our wombs, we have raised them ourselves and as a result they have become a threat to us. Women have a great responsibility to ensure that our children get positive formation to build on good foundations.

 This starts from the moment conception. What do you talk about with the child in the womb, when it is born, in what values ​​do you raise it, what does it learn if you start preparing it early to have the fear of God and good morals, it cannot do frivolous things or cost other people’s lives,” said Dr. Gwajima.

The Minister asked WAWATA and other women’s institutions in the country to fully participate in the implementation of the national strategic plan aimed at combating and eradicating gender-based violence and violence against children.

  “The government is making various efforts, including preparing plans and strategies, the challenge comes in its implementation, you as stakeholders should know your role and participate in educating the community through your associations, meetings, conferences, the goal being to have a safe society,” said Dr. Gwajima.