SOUTH SUDAN: Bishop Urges Stakeholders to Harness Education’s Transformative Power on Diocesan Education Day

Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala

Sr. Henriette Anne Owino

As the Catholic Church commemorates St. Daniel Comboni, the Patron Saint of the Catholic Education Day in the Catholic Diocese of Tombura-Yambio (CDTY), Bishop Eduardo Hiiboro Kussala has reminded, teachers, students, parents, educators, and Church personnel of the transformative power of education in shaping the lives of individuals and the future of the nations.

“This year’s theme, “Empowering Future through Quality Education: Call to Action,” calls us to reflect on the essential role education plays in shaping not only individual lives but also the future of our nation”.

He stressed, “As we move forward as a diocese in providing quality education, let us remember that education is not solely about academic achievement; rather, it is about forming hearts and minds in the light of the truth. Together, may we strive to empower the future through quality education, build a nation grounded in faith, and nurture a society reflecting the peace and unity that Christ desires for us all”

Bishop Eduardo, in his message CDTY Education Day 2024, sharing with the Rurugene Online Newsletter, recalled how Saint Daniel Comboni dedicated his life to evangelizing Northern Africa with a vision that true transformation comes from empowering local people with his slogan ‘Save Sudan with Sudanese’ or ‘Save Africa with Africans. He placed education at the very heart of his mission.

“Daniel Comboni dedicated his life to evangelizing in Northern Africa, believing that true transformation comes from empowering the local people: “Save Sudan with Sudanese paraphrased Save Africa with Africans.” This vision placed education at the heart of his mission”.

The prelate in his message emphasized the role of various stakeholders in the CDTY education system; for teachers, the local ordinary of CDTY said, “Teachers, you are the architects of knowledge and virtue. Your dedication to nurturing both intellect and spirit is vital. As St. John Paul II said, “Education is a matter of the heart.” You inspire resilience, responsibility, and respect, and your lessons will resonate throughout your students’ lives”.

Addressing the parents he said, “Parents, you are the first educators. Your influence shapes your children’s values and character. As Proverbs 22:6 teaches, “Train up a child in the way he should go.” Your commitment to fostering a love for learning lays a strong foundation for their future”.

Bishop Eduardo reminded students that they are leaders of today, now, and tomorrow, calling them to embrace education not just as a means to an end but also as a powerful tool for change. He added, “Use your education to pursue excellence and uphold values of honesty, peace, and unity”.

In his 9th October message, Hiiboro further, quoted the words of Nelson Mandela that “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”, and urged all South Sudanese to “instill their students the value of hard work and respect”.