MALAWI: Zomba Prelate Challenges Christian Family Movement on Responsible Parenthood

Luke Bisani

The Prelate of the Diocese of Zomba, Rt. Rev. Alfred Chaima, has challenged the membership of the Christian Family Movement (CFM) to be committed in carrying out their parental responsibility to their children.

Speaking during the closing mass of the national annual Indaba of CFM held at St. Peter’s Major Seminary on Sunday, Bishop Chaima urged the CFM members to be responsible over the conduct of their children in their families.

“Take genuine responsibility towards each other as married people and preach to the children the same message of love. Without good family life, society is doomed; it is a vanity of vanities,” said Bishop Chaima.

He further urged the membership to resist teachings that are against Catholic teachings and faith in family life in the country.

“”We know how much family life is threatened by modern ideologies, some of which undermine family life itself, and yet without this institution called family, the society would disintegrate and collapse,” added Bishop Chaima.

The 2024 CFM annual indaba attracted 300 delegates from the eight dioceses of the country. The meeting was being held under the theme “Walking Together as a Family in Hope.”

The Christian Family Movement is one lay apostolate movement in the Catholic Church whose membership is drawn from Catholics that have wedded in the Church in the sacrament of matrimony.

Besides this group, the Catholic Church has other family movements like Marriage Encounter, Teams of Our Lady, and Couples for Christ, just to mention a few. CFM as Movement intends to support families in the church to develop and grow in love of each other and towards children, which they receive from God.