KENYA: Newly Ordained Mill Hill Deacons Urged to Advocate for Justice in Society

A group of Mill Hill members and Newly Ordained Deacons

Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA

On Saturday, September 28, the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Ngong in Kenya asked seven brothers of St. Joseph’s Missionary Society of Mill Hill commonly referred to as Mill Hill Missionaries to be activists for justice in society and advocate for fairness, equality, and the protection of human rights that harm mostly the marginalized.

Addressing the seven candidates in his homily just before the ordination, Bishop John Oballa Owaa highlighted that the deacons have the duty to strengthen the people of God with sacraments and reinforce the virtue of hope amidst challenges.

“The Lord gives you the courage to call out violence in society and any selfishness that makes people amass wealth while their brothers and sisters are going hungry, to remind the people of God to embrace the culture of life, to embrace non-violence, and in the culture of hopelessness, to embrace hope,” Bishop Oballa emphasized and continued, “Our seven deacons, with joy and faithfulness strengthen the people of God with the sacraments.”

He reminds the candidates to diaconate that by being called to serve the Church as members of the Mill Hill society, they are purposely required to carry out primary evangelization in places of need, assuring them that the God who chose them will be their guide.

“We are called to be at the service of other people. The assurance of God to Jeremiah (The prophet) means the whole world to the person called by God,” the Bishop said and reminded the deacons to be, “God knew you before you were formed in the womb and he consecrated you before you were born…. He knows our fears, desires, and all the secrets within us.”

Consequently, the Bishop warned the seven candidates of overconfidence saying, “As Jeremiah felt, it is natural to feel inadequate in the face of so great a mission since overconfidence can be an obstacle to a mission.”

With overconfidence, “One begins to rely on oneself, one’s skills, one’s talents, one’s abilities and one’s capabilities, and yet what the mission calls for is to rely on God,” the Bishop said and advised, “allow yourselves to feel God’s protection when things are hard and incomprehensible. When pressed down, when full of fear and anxiety he is close because he is capable of enabling us to navigate through life challenges when we are conscious of his closeness to us.”

The seven deacons from four countries include Julius Oketch Agunda from Kenya, Brian Mbanginu Ndong from Cameroon, Michael Ouma Owuor from Kenya, Wilson Karubaga from Uganda, Emmanuel Odongo from Uganda, Parfait Kijika Maishu from Cameroon, and Jeremie Efumo Liyanda from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Being the period of synod on synodality in the Church, Bishop Oballa stressed in his message the aspect of journeying together as the synod motto emphasizes.

“We are in synodal times and this is the time the Lord God is bestowing Holy Orders on you. You are deacons of the synod. In whatever communities you will be, call your brothers and sisters to embrace this synodal existence in which people walk together, dialogue, and embrace values that will enable society to grow, the Church to grow, and families to grow in ways that fill them with the life of God,” the Prelate said.

He added, “Wherever you go, always seek to build communities of friendships and love.”

On his part, the Mill Hill Missionaries regional superior of Eastern Africa Fr. Hillary Awiti appreciated the seven deacons for responding to God’s call saying, “Thank you for accepting to receive the Gospel of Christ whose herald you have now become. Live what you read, teach what you believe, and practice what you teach.”

The Kenya cleric continued, “Today we have witnessed in a very special way the generosity of God encountering the gratitude of humanity and giving rise to loving service in deaconate ministry in the Church. As you (the deacons) have promised a life of commitment to the Church, as the Eastern Africa Regional Council, we wish you every blessing as you continue in your ministry.”