KENYA:  Close Attention to Formation of Priests, Religious is Key, Kenyan Bishops Recalls Pope’s Advise

Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA

Nearly a month after members of the Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (KCCB) went to Rome for their Ad Limina visit, a Prelate has highlighted that the Pope emphasized the need for quality formation of future priests and Religious men and women.

“When we visited Rome and shared with the Holy Father that we have many vocations to priesthood and religious life, he was very pleased and asked us to pay close attention to the formation of future priests and Religious, so they may have only Christ before their eyes,” Bishop John Oballa Owaa of the Catholic Diocese of Ngong shared with the Christians during diaconate ordination of seven members of St. Joseph’s Missionary Society of Mill Hill commonly referred to as Mill Hill Missionaries.

Prior to the 10-day visit to Rome which was held from the end of August to the beginning of September, the KCCB Chairman Archbishop Maurice Muhatia Makumba had shared with media practitioners that “The Kenyan Catholic Christians have a reason to thank God for the vibrant growth of the Church and we need to listen attentively to what the Spirit is inviting us to do, especially with the abundance of vocations to Religious life and the Sacred Priesthood.”

He stressed the vocation to the priesthood and religious life revealing that most major seminaries in the country are full of those undertaking their formation to the priesthood.

According to Bishop Oballa in his message during the Saturday, September 28, event, Pope Francis further called on all Christians and people of goodwill to support the formation process of young men and women to the priesthood and religious life as the Church is in constant need of servants for evangelization.

“The Pope also asked us to appeal to you to give every necessary support to the formation of priests and religious that you may continue to pray for them, and there may be teams promoting vocations since the Church will never have enough priests or religious men and women,” Bishop Oballa underscored and concluded,  “We also appeal you continue to facilitate their formation financially and by encouragement to support quality formation of future shepherds and witnesses of the Gospel.