UGANDA: Popularize Fruits, Wood Tree Planting alongside Academic Education said Bishop Kibira

Msgr Landaus Bwambale During Homily

By Masereka Peter

The Bishop of Uganda’s Kasese Diocese, Rt. Rev. Francis Aquirinus Kibira Kambale has asked education stakeholders in the Diocese to popularize tree fruit and wood tree planting while celebrating Diocesan Education Week.

According to Bishop Kibira, global warming is largely caused by human activities and less care for Mother Earth, resulting in disasters that put lives and property at risk.

In his speech presented by the Kasese Diocesan Vicar General, Msgr. Landaus Bwambale on Sunday 22nd Sept 2024 during the launch of the Kasese Diocesan Education week at the Cathedral Church, Bishop Kibira asked pastoral leaders, teachers, and other education stakeholders to encourage the locals to plant at least three tree seedlings in response to the Pope’s message, of ‘’Laudato Si.

The Ordinary later argued parents and guardians to fully support the education of their children and for teachers to act as the learners’ guides for a promising future.

Msgr. Landaus Bwambale, the Vicar General who represented the Ordinary of the Diocese of Kasese, quoted Canon Law 798 which directs Catholic parents and guardians to send their children to schools that will instill the young ones with Catholic values and norms for the service of the Lord.

Msgr. Landaus later said care for mother earth, cleanliness, and being lawful were a manifestation of an educated and focused community that Christians should strive to be part of.

Rev. Fr. Joseph Mbusa, the education secretary for the Diocese, said the week which is organized on the theme “love for one another” aims at promoting catholic education, saying among exercises of the days include community mobilization and sensitization on education, cleaning, speech day.

The Kasese Secondary School Head Teacher, Mr. Joseph Nzukwa said this education week reminds parents and guardians of their role to fully support the education of their children, as well as nudging learners of their relevance to the community he paraded to conserve the environment.

The Kasese Deputy Resident District Commissioner in charge of Busongora County, Mr. Zephanous Mubingwa, commended the Catholic Church and parents for supporting government efforts for fruitful education to children he asked to be innovative and focused for a better future.

Mr. Selevano Masereka, the Centenary Bank Manager for the Kasese Branch, asked school-going children to be at the forefront of environmental conservation to mitigate global warming.

Mr. Selevano who was addressing students at Kasese Secondary School shortly after the tree planting and cleaning exercises on day three said guided garbage disposal, planting, and caring for the existing trees, were the only means that the community will guarantee and secure the future.

Mr. Selevano who called for discipline among the school-going children, later asked the learners to support Centenary Bank now that it was their project as future users and employees.

Mr. Augustine Kasoro, a teacher at Mubuku Valley Secondary School, and Mr. Steven Thembo Mawa, the head teacher for St. Maria Gorrety School in Mpondwe-Lhubiriha town council, commended the diocese for the education week they said was an eye opener against poor garbage disposal and environment mismanagement.

All catholic secondary and primary schools in the dioceses participated in general cleanliness.