TANZANIA: Kahama Catholic Diocese Raises Over 79 Thousand USD to Support Seminary Formation

Sarah Pelaji
The Catholic Diocese of Kahama has raised funds to support the formation of seminarians who are inspired to become priests.
More than 213 million TZS equivalent to USD 79,148 was raised recently during the Fundraising of the Lay faithful at the Holy Family Parish in the presence of the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Kahama Rt. Rev. Christopher Ndizeye
The Parish Priest of the Holy Family Parish, Kagongwa Kahama Catholic Diocese, Father Justen Msaiye, was able to submit 36 million Tzs which was contributed by the Lay Faithful of the same parish.
That shows how the lay people together carry the life and mission of the Church. All the baptized, whatever their responsibility, are called to work together for the common good of the Church
That the Lay of Kahama Catholic Diocese continues to take its full place.
The Director of Tanzania Communications Authority (TCRA) Northern Region, Francis Mihayo attended the event while appreciating Bishop Ndizeye for his initiatives in the education of children
Bishop Ndizeye, thanked the lay faithful for their support of priest’s formation, and that shows the synodal church which supports different vocations.
Bishop Ndizeye thanked God for the increase in priestly vocations in his Diocese so as Diocese initiated different fundraising to ensure it supports those young seminarians who inspire Priestly life.
“It is the responsibility of the baptized to pray, nurture, and support the vocations.
According to the changes of time, the demand for their responsibility is increasing now more than ever, especially the cost of sustaining the formation of seminarians who are tomorrow’s priests.
We cannot continue relying only on Donor’s funds which is not enough for all the needs of the seminarians but as the local ordinary, I need to train the Lay Faithful to understand their duty to support the Church and walk together as a Synodal Church,” he insisted.
He said even though the funds go to respond to the need of young boys in their formation, still the diocese is planning to respond to the needs of young girls who deserve better education.
“All children have the same rights and should be given equal education to lay good foundations for them in their lives
Giving preferential education especially to a female child without looking at the male child is not a good thing because it divides them. We need to support all children for they will become good priests, nuns, and Lay in tomorrow’s Church,” he insisted.