ZAMBIA: Bishop Commends Government on Improved Employment System; Calls for Transparency

Sandra Kunda

Bishop George Lungu of the Catholic Diocese of Chipata has praised the Zambian government for improving the public sector employment system.

The bishop noted that the current system is more transparent, ensuring that individuals are employed based on merit. However, he was quick to caution the government against nepotism, pointing out that some individuals still engage in corrupt practices by hiring their relatives.

Bishop Lungu also expressed gratitude for government initiatives aimed at supporting the poor and vulnerable. He acknowledged programs such as Food for Work and Social Cash Transfer, which have brought hope and made a significant impact on the lives of many.

Bishop Lungu emphasized the importance of equality among citizens, stressing that both the poor and the rich should be treated with the same dignity.

He also praised the government’s introduction of free education, which has led to an increase in school enrollment.

Bishop Lungu further urged the government to focus more on agriculture and addressed the ongoing power deficit in the country. He encouraged citizens to adopt solar energy as a viable alternative and called on the government to make affordable solar systems available to the public to ensure widespread access to power.