ETHIOPIA: Episcopal Consecration of New Bishop for Soddo Vicariate

Bezawit Assefa

The Episcopal consecration of the new Bishop for the Vicariate of Soddo, was held on 15th September 2024. Bishop-elect Dejene Hidoto was ordained in a solemn ceremony at the Holy Trinity Catholic Cathedral in Soddo, Ethiopia.

The celebration began with a warm reception as Bishop-elect Dejene arrived from his preparation at the Tikur Weha retreat center near Hawassa, Ethiopia. In attendance were the City Mayor, esteemed Bishops, local government officials, and guests from across the country. Despite heavy rain on the evening of 14th September, the youth and Police band joyfully welcomed Bishop-elect Dejene and the guests, creating a memorable atmosphere. The local community honored their esteemed visitors with a traditional welcoming ceremony as a gesture of respect.

His Eminence Cardinal Abune Berhaneyesus, President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Ethiopia, presided over the Holy Mass and consecration ceremony for the new Bishop on 15th September. All bishops were present, except for Bishop Tsegaye, former Bishop of Soddo, and Bishop Tesfasellasie of Adigrat.

More than 250 priests, representatives from other religions, and thousands of faithful gathered to witness this momentous occasion.

Monsignor Massimo Catterin, Secretary to the Nunciature, read the official letter from Pope Francis, confirming the episcopal appointment and formal transfer of leadership for the Vicariate.

In his homily, Cardinal Abune Berhaneyesus extended a heartfelt welcome to the newly consecrated Bishop, calling on everyone to support him through prayer and dedicated service. Addressing the Bishop-elect directly, he said, “Be a faithful guardian of the Church, serve the Church wholeheartedly, always remembering the Good Shepherd. Love the poor and listen to the faithful.”

Solidarity messages were shared by former Bishop Tsegaye, who could not attend due to illness, as well as Bishop Seyoum who was service the Vicariate as administrator. Government officials, the international Capuchin Friary Provincial, and representatives of the faithful also voiced their support.

At the close of the ceremony, Bishop-elect Dejene, citing his motto, “Do whatever he tells you” (John 2:5), and emphasized that his ministry will be guided by the words of the Holy Mary from John 2:5. He reflected on how Mary’s apparitions at Lourdes constantly inspire him to remain a faithful servant of the Church. Furthermore, he articulated his commitment to serving the Church, especially in the context of Liturgical celebrations in Ethiopia, with a particular focus on the Latin rite. Expressing heartfelt gratitude for the presence of the Bishops, distinguished guests, and fellow Catholics, Bishop Dejene called for their collective prayers and support.