UGANDA: Bishop Kirabo Commends Role of SCCs in Restoring Humanity and Church Values

Bishop Kirabo Vincent

Masereka Peter

The Chairman of the Pastoral Commission at the Uganda Episcopal Conference (UEC) Rt. Rev Vincent Kirabo, has emphasized the crucial role of Small Christian Communities (SCCs) in restoring lost humanity and church values in today’s generation.

Presiding over the Eucharistic celebration that attracted hundreds of Ugandans on Saturday, August 31, to mark the 50th anniversary of SCCs in Uganda, Bishop Kirabo lamented the erosion of Christian values due to indifferentism, individualism, and materialism.

Bishop Kirabo asked Catholics in Uganda and elsewhere in Africa to renew their zeal, commitment, and participation in the activities of SCCs to make the church more vibrant.

He highlighted the importance of collaboration and unity among Christians, citing the disciples’ teamwork in fulfilling their evangelization mission.

During the Holy Mass held at the Uganda Martyrs Catholic Shrine in Namugongo, Bishop Kirabo urged the congregation to engage in self-reflection on their spiritual, social, economic, and political lives, warning that neglecting God’s guidance leads to societal conflicts.

The event, themed ‘Reflection on 50 Years of Small Christian Communities in Uganda,’ was attended by representatives from all 19 Catholic Dioceses in Uganda, each displaying banners for the SCCs.

Bishop Kirabo concelebrated the Eucharistic celebration with Archbishop Raphael p’ Mony Wokorach of Gulu Archdiocese, Bishop Dominic Eibu of Kotido, and several priests.

The concept of SCCs was introduced in 1973 by the Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (AMECEA) as a means to strengthen grassroots evangelization, social cohesion, and understanding.

The model involves grouping of 10-15 Catholic families into a community, with multiple SCCs forming a local church, which then forms a sub-parish, then parish, to the deanery and ultimately contributing to a diocese.