MALAWI: Catholic Women Association Members Challenged To Be Formed in Spirit of Synodality

CWA Members

Luke Bisani

The Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Zomba, Rt. Rev. Alfred Mateyu Chaima has challenged the membership of the Catholic Women Association (CWA) in the diocese to strive for participation and formation towards a synodal church.

Speaking at the inauguration of the CWA annual Indaba held at St. Peter’s Major Seminary, Bishop Chaima, urged the members to enhance efforts in their participation and formation for their inclusion in various church roles.

According to Bishop Chaima, the annual general meeting themed “Women participating and receiving on-going formation in the spirit of synodality of the Church; taking responsibility to care for the environment, at a time that the Church is grappling with the threat of shortage of food,” challenges the membership to actively take part in matters affecting the Church and the community.

“As the theme suggests, I am urging the membership of the association to reflect and pray over your call as Christians, to be agents of change following the gospel values,” said Bishop Chaima.

He further encouraged the women to reflect on the gospel that challenges their role of taking good care of their families, the church, and society.

“Based on reflection on the gospel passage where Jesus asked Simon to cast his net into the deep and catch fish, you should listen to God and reflect on the Word of God together with the Church but also listen to him as individuals,” the Bishop said and continued, “It is through this that each person can obey and take God’s commands, which eventually bring change in the individual and those around him, just like what happened to Simon.”

Bishop Chama

The CWA annual general meeting that took place from September 4th–8th, brought together over 200 delegates from all 20 parishes in the diocese.

Among the delegates to the CWA Annual General Meeting this year is Associate. Prof. Ruth Ngeyi Kanyongolo, the Vice Chancellor of the Catholic University of Malawi, who is also leader of the technical team in the executive leadership of CWA in the Diocese of Zomba.