ZAMBIA: Diocesan Priests in Zambia Hold 19th Biennial General Conference

Fr. Wilbroad C. Musonda

Over 170 diocesan priests drawn from the 8 dioceses and 3 Archdioceses under the national body of the Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB), gathered for the 19th Biennial National Conference Association of Zambian Diocesan Catholic Clergy (AZADCC) in the Zambian town of Kabwe.

In his keynote speech during the official opening of the five-day Conference celebrated under the theme “Priests Transforming Communities and the Environment in the Spirit of Synodality” The Hosting Local Ordinary Rev. Rt. Clement Mulenga SDB emphasized the importance of the national convocation of Zambian Diocesan Catholic Clergy in fostering brotherhood and companionship that is cardinal when serving the people in the transformation of the environment and in the Spirit of Synodality.

“The national convocation of the Zambian Diocesan Catholic Clergy from all the eleven (11) Dioceses is the highest level of brotherhood and companionship among the local priests as they serve in the Church and society”, said Bishop Mulenga SDB to Bishops, Clergy, Religious, and Christians who attended the event.

However, Bishop Mulenga noted that, “Despite all these challenges, their hope remains unquenched. For them, this conference plays a very significant role in their individual and collective life and ministry” stressed the Local Ordinary of Kabwe Diocese.

Speaking to the theme of the conference the Local Ordinary of Kabwe Diocese underscored the role played by the Catholic Clergy in the transformation of the people they serve through innovative projects that has yielded positive results amid challenges of climate change.

 “The theme underscores the role Catholic clergy play in the transformation of communities, through many well-planned projects and services. It also underscores the role priests play in saving the environment through their pastoral initiatives of educating to care for creation, even in this most difficult year of drought”.  The Prelate articulated.

The Prelate re-emphasized the gist of the gathering of the clergy as one that renders them an opportunity to re-energize, renew and revitalize as well as to pray, and socialize so they can serve the people better in their respective dioceses.

“The coming together of diocesan priests in this manner re-energizes, renews and revitalizes in many ways to go out and serve the people. Through prayer, social interaction and on-going formation, members can never return to their Dioceses the same way they came,” he said and continued, “They gather also to reflect on the many needs that affect the people they serve. They gather to search for solutions to the many challenges they go through, together, and go out to serve not in isolation, but with the government of the day”.

Expressing the wish of the Catholic Bishops in Zambia to local priests, Bishop Mulenga said, “It is the wish of the Catholic Bishops in Zambia to see a unified diocesan Catholic clergy both on the local and national level, working together, spurred by the spirituality of the Synod on Synodality. We wish to see a fraternity that cares for one another in profound spirit of solidarity”.

On the other hand, Bishop Mulenga SDB said that the Church aims to work with government to uplift the lives of the people in need.

On his part the Bishop director of AZADCC Rt. Rev. Raphael Mweempwa of Monze Diocese, expressed gratitude to the participants for creating time for the conference.

“Your willingness to gather and engage in fruitful discussions is encouraging as we continue deepen the bond we share as ministers of the Gospel, as shepherds entrusted with the care of God’s people,” he said and reminded the gathering priests that their priesthood is a precious gift entrusted to them not for their own glory but for the sanctification of God’s people.

Bishop Mweempwa, pointing out that the priesthood carries immense responsibility and profound dignity, and explained “We are called to be living witnesses of Christ, to lead our communities not just through our words but through our very lives”.

The Head of State President Mr. Hakainde Hichilema and his entourage, graced the occasion as the guest of honour for the 19th biennial Association of Zambia Diocesan Catholic Clergy (AZADCC) National Conference.

In the presence of Bishops, Diocesan priests, religious and christians, President Hichilema affirmed the government’s commitment to fostering a cordial and collaborative relationship with the church.

He said that recognizing the concept of Synodality as a guiding principle for both the church and the nation is cardinal in the realization of togetherness and shared responsibility needed for the wellness of people.

“The concept of Synodality calls for togetherness and shared responsibility, which should be the cornerstone of our collective efforts to improve the lives of our people,” he added.

President Hichilema further emphasized the importance of the church’s role in community transformation and environmental preservation, particularly in the face of the ongoing challenges posed by climate change.

The President’s message echoed Pope Francis’ Laudato Si: On the Care for our Common Home document which critiques… “and laments environmental degradation and global warming, and calls all people of the world to take swift and unified global action”.

On the other hand, the National Association of Zambia Diocesan Catholic Clergy (AZADCC) President Fr. Augustine Mwewa affirmed the commitment of the Association members of promoting and supporting justice and peace for all in the country.

In his address to the gathering during the official inaugural and opening of the 2024 AZADCC 19th Biennial National Conference, Fr. Mwewa said the Diocesan Clergy will endeavour always to work with the government of the day based on biblical values and social teaching of the church.

“We as diocesan catholic clergy always work with the government of the day” pointing that our biblical values and social teaching of the church, the catholic church urges us to support unity of purpose and unity of diversity (Dignitatis Humane)” thus Fr. Mwewa stressed with reference to Zambian Clergy “We promote and support respect for Human dignity of every person, zooming in that “We promote and support justice and peace for all”.

The National AZADCC President acknowledged and appreciated the government’s achievements in the past three years in employment, increasing CDF, implementation of the free education, empowerment of eleven Catholic Dioceses with ten herds of cattle each among others.

Fr. Mwewa however took the rare opportunity to air out concerns by the gathering priests from the eleven dioceses in both rural and urban areas.

 “Your Excellency Sir”, Fr. Mwewa elaborated “that, the elephant in the house is the highest cost of living. We know very well that you mean well and we are doing everything possible to better the living standards of all Zambians.  “We also know that the solutions cannot be cooked overnight. However, in our honest and meditative reflection we would like to submit the following for your attention among them agriculture sector, fight against corruption and carderism”, concluded Fr. Mwewa.