ERITREA: Youths in Asmara Urged to Hope in the Lord, Not To Grow Weary

H.G. Archbishop Menghisteab leading the opening prayer & handing over the big cross to Youth

Zerayohannes Ghebrehiwet

The Catholic Secretariat Arch-Eparchy of Asmara (CSAA) have conducted a three-day Youth Day Festival in the Cathedral of St. Mary of Perpetual Help Kidane Mehret from 16th – 18th August 2024.

The occasion that brought together about 350 youths from different places of the Eparchy, accompanied by their parish priests, was held under the theme taken from Prophet Isaiah which says: “They that hope in the Lord will renew their strength, they will soar on eagles’ wings; they will run and not grow weary, walk and not grow faint” (Is 40:31).

During the opening ceremony of the festival that was held on Friday, August 16, Archbishop Menghisteab Tesfamariam further explained the slogan of the Arch-Eparchy which reads, ‘Arch eparchy of Asmara, united as a single family.’

He said, “Unity is strength and proclamation. This is a special occasion for us all and particularly for you the youth – the future, the responsibility-takers and successors of the nation and the church.

The Prelate narrated further, “Through our Eparchy’s Prayer which says ‘Lord make us participants of your banquet,’ I hope you all pray together, share your Christian life experiences, and learn from each other in these coming days.”

Archbishop Tesfamariam then handed the youth representatives the Cross on behalf of those who were gathered in the St. Mary’s compound.

Reflecting on the Gospel of Luke 15:11 – 32 about the ‘Merciful Father’ the Church leader told the youths that “The father does not force the son to stay at home or does not force him to return either. But he keeps waiting that one day his son will be back.”

“In the history of the prodigal son, God is not a judge but a merciful and affectionate Father,” the Prelate said and advised the youths to always think about God’s mercy and put their trust in Him so as to grow in hope and a better tomorrow.

Shifting his focus to the current situation in society, Archbishop Tesfamariam warned about being slaves of modern technology, particularly cell phones which are becoming masters.

“Please let us use the phones wisely in a God-fearing manner. Let us use them to read the Holy Bible, the teachings of the Catholic Church, and other spiritual materials, including listening to hymns and the word of God. In your respective parishes please organize yourself and share the word of God among yourselves and create reading groups,” he said.

On his part, sharing with the youths Pope Francis’ message, the Secretary General of CSAA, Fr. Thomas Negash encouraged the young people to overcome all the worldly desires and temptations that frustrate them, push them to lose hope, abandon their faith, and give up easily. Instead, he asked them to be brave and believe in the promising words of the Lord through His prophet Isaiah that they will soar on eagles’ wings, they will run, and not grow weary.

“The theme selected for this year’s festival has a strong and promising power for the youth as those who put their trust in God will not be weary and will soar on eagles’ wings. These words of hope have spiritual power to open the gates closed by worldly thought, to begin the journey again with renewed intention and far-sighted goal, to revive the closed story ones more and renewed energy like that of the eagle” said Fr. Negash narrated the message encouraging the youth to be spiritually renewed.

He further explained the historical background of the revelation of God’s Word to the prophet Isaiah that the Israelites were in exile under the slavery of Babylon being frustrated, hopeless, and complaining about their bad life. God however never forgot them but renewed their broken heart through His prophet Isaiah.

The Coordinator of the Arch Eparchial Youth Council Sr. Hawariat Berhane expressed gratitude for the youths’ participation and cooperation during the three-day meeting and encouraged the youths to share their experiences with those who were unable to participate.