ACWECA PLENARY: Ugandan Nun Sr. Kyomugisha, New President for ACWECA

New ACWECA President Sr. Gace Kyomugisha

Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA

As the week-long Plenary Assembly for members of the Association of Consecrated Women in Eastern and Central Africa (ACWECA) comes to an end, the association has elected Sr. Grace Kyomugisha the Superior General for the Sisters of Our Lady of Good Counsel (OLGC) as the new President for the association and Sr. Auxilia Hokororo from Tanzania the member of Benedictine Sisters as the Vice President.

During the closing Mass on Friday, August 23, the outgoing ACWECA president Sr. Rosalia Sakayombo the Superior General for the Religious Sisters of the Holy Spirit made the announcement.

In her message, as she ushers in the new President, Sr. Sakayombo who has been in office for the last three years since 2021, appreciated the sisters for allowing her to serve as the President and for the teamwork.

“Thank you for allowing me to serve this region (ACWECA) for the last three years, and for the cooperation we have enjoyed as the board,” Sr. Sakayombo said pointing out that the sisters are ready to support the new leadership following the assembly discussions in the past few days.

She handed over the Bible and ACWECA Constitution to the new President as the pastoral tools to govern the region saying, “Our region is anchored on the Word of God and the Constitutions for the Association, these are the laws which guide us in the mission of Jesus Christ, I am therefore handing you these as the most important tools for operation.”

On her part the new President Sr. Kyomugisha accepted the position with humility and trust.

New ACWECA President receives the Bible and the Constitution

In her maiden speech to the delegates, the former assistant Secretary General for the Association of Religious in Uganda (ARU) who has been at the helm of her congregation since December 2023, asked the sisters to journey together in the mission and strengthen each other’s Charisms.

“The Word of God gives us courage and freedom and that is why I am humbled to stand before you to say thank you for trusting me with this responsibility,” Sr. Kyomugisha shared her request to members, “I urge you, let us walk and grow together by deepening our Charisms.”

“Charisms are based on the Gospel of the Lord and when they are lived deeply, they will lead us to the same one mission for us all,” she narrated asking the sisters to keep the candles burning whenever they are serving.

ACWECA whose mission is to promote the spirit of collaboration and sharing of spiritual, human, and economic resources among member conferences to enhance religious formation and strengthen leadership capacity for deeper evangelization, was established in 1974.