ACWECA PLENARY: Malawi Bishops Conference Appreciates ACWECA for Pastoral Collaboration

Fr. Valeriano Mseka,

By Sr. Jecinter Antoinette Okoth, FSSA

Catholic bishops from the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) have appreciated members of the Association of Consecrated Women in Eastern and Central Africa (ACWECA) for their teamwork and partnership in pastoral activities not only in Malawi but also other countries within the region and beyond.

Addressing the over 200 delegates from the ten countries of ACWECA: Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, the Secretary-General of ECM Very Rev. Valeriano Mseka said, “We acknowledge the vital role ACWECA plays in fostering collaboration, solidarity and pastoral support among the Bishops and Dioceses in the region. Your work is crucial in addressing the common challenges and opportunities facing our communities.”

Sharing the message from ECM president Archbishop George Desmond Tambala of Lilongwe Archdiocese on Monday, August 19, as the religious women marked a double celebration for the Golden Jubilee of the association and opening of the 19th Plenary Assembly, the Secretary-General pointed out that the milestone marks a significant achievement in the history of ACWECA and the conference rejoices for the “momentous occasion.”

“We commend ACWECA for its commitment to evangelization, justice, peace, and reconciliation in our region,” Fr. Mseka highlighted in his message and stressed, “Your tireless efforts have made a significant impact on the lives of many and we are grateful for your dedication and service.”

Following the week-long assembly-themed; “Transformative holistic formation for authentic living towards a deeper evangelization in the ACWECA region and beyond,” the Church leaders prayed for the Holy Spirit to guide and inspire the religious women saying, “May your deliberations bear fruit that will enhance the mission of the Church in Eastern and Central Africa, and may the assembly be a blessed moment of grace, wisdom and renewal for ACWECA.”

The assembly that commenced with the opening Mass on Monday, August 19, in Lilongwe, Malawi, will come to its conclusion on Friday, August 23.

On his part, Archbishop Tambala assured the sisters of continued support from the conference saying, “As we have been journeying together, we are ready to continue assisting in any way.”