ACWECA PLENARY: Conrad Hilton Foundation Commends ACWECA for Improving People’s Lives

Sr. Agnes Njeri
Deogratias Mmana
One financing partner for the Association of Consecrated Women in Eastern and Central Africa (ACWECA) Conrad Hilton Foundation has asked the association to rethink formation programs for Sisters in the region for religious life to thrive.
The Foundation says with the 21st-century challenges, the association needs to adopt dialogue and re-examine how Religious values and practices can remain relevant in a changing world.
“This calls for a constant review of formation programs that can address current challenges and form women Religious who can read the signs of the time and change the approach of evangelization,” said Sr. Agnes Njeri for the Conrad Hilton Foundation.
She said this during ACWECA’s 19th plenary assembly on Tuesday in Lilongwe.
Sr. Njeri said religious formation should be dynamic especially in offering theological training that helps Sisters understand and articulate their faith, enabling them to teach, guide, and minister effectively.
She said the Foundation is happy with ACWECA’s initiatives that improve lives of people and strengthen communities.
“We commend you for your remarkable journey and the many lives you have touched along the way and call upon you to rethink the formation programs,” she said.
The Conrad Hilton Foundation supports ACWECA’s three programs which include leadership and formation; Sisters Blended Value Programme which is implemented in partnership with Strathmore University and SCORE ECD in partnership with Catholic Relief Services.