UGANDA: Let Church be a Centre for Transformation, Prelate to Christians

Bishop Kibira, Minister Baryomunsi and Clergy

By Masereka Peter

The Ordinary of the Diocese of Kasese, Rt. Rev. Francis Aquirinus Kibira Kambale has dedicated and consecrated St John’s Bukangara New Parish Church with a call on Christians to turn it into a center of love, faith, and transformation for God’s people.

He said a church as a center of the Eucharist should invite Christians for the transformation of lives, promote love for one another, as well as extend God’s helping hand to the less privileged and the community at large.

In his homily during the consecration Mass, Bishop Kibira commended the parish friends from Germany for donating resources for the construction of the beautiful church and a storied classroom block at St. John’s Bukangara Primary School that should be centers for both Spiritual and physical development among the children of God.

The prelate reminded Christians about the obligation of keeping the church clean and holy before encouraging them to always come for individual adoration after work.

Be holy for I the Lord your God I am Holy” Bishop quoted Lev. 11:14, saying your body, you know, is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you since you received him from God. You are not your property you have been bought for a price which is the precious blood of Jesus.

The Bishop commended Fr. Maria Werner Hess for supporting the construction of a magnificent Church and modern primary school as well as a great sacrifice and working tirelessly to mobilize funds from his home country, Germany, the parish Priest for coordination and proper accountability, and everyone who contributed

On the newly constructed school block, Bishop Kambale, urged Parents, teachers, and the local community of Bukangara to utilize the newly commissioned buildings by providing good results.

Hon. Chris Baryomunsi, the Ministry of ICT and National Guidance who was the Chief Guest called for hard work alongside prayers among Christians for purposes of wealth creation for improved living conditions and support of God’s work.

Hon. Baryomunsi reaffirmed the Government’s Commitment to looking for a contractor to take over the construction of the Kikorongo-Bwera High way. He revealed that the Government has already secured funds for the construction works on the trans-African Highway.

He said the Government will also provide clean and safe water to the local community and extend an electric fence on the remaining 4 km along the Queen Elizabeth National Park.

Earlier, his junior minister for national guidance, Hon. Godfrey Kabyanga, asked the locals to make good use of the school and church which he said must be kept clean to serve their purposes which he said will be made possible through hard work.

The Bukangara Parish Priest said as the church is dedicated, the parishioners should remember that they are being called to live Holy lives. Christians should have to fight graft and the life of debauchery that sometimes they find themselves in. The church building being dedicated should remind them of God’s presence among them. Encouraging them to respond to God’s call to choose the one they shall serve. Quoting the biblical Joshua who said me and my house shall serve the lord.

Fr. John Baptist urged Christians to strive to live holy Christian lives so that we be given by which is eternal life in Christ Jesus our lord. God desires to transform mankind’s existence to mirror more and more his image and likeness. Let us listen to God and love one another.

The chairperson LCV, Mr. Erifazi Muhindo commended the Catholic Church for their engagement in social-economic transformation alongside faith. END