SOUTH SUDAN: Unity State Gov’t Promises Piece of Land to New Diocese of Bentiu, South Sudan

Photo of Governor of Unity State addressing the faithful during the Inauguration and installation of Pioneer Bishop of Bentiu Diocese - Copy

By Ginaba Lino

The government of Unity State on August 11, 2024, promised to offer land for the newly created Catholic Diocese of Bentiu to constrict the Cathedral, Seminary, Schools, and other Institutions of the Church.

In his speech during the inauguration and Installation of the first Bishop of Bentiu Catholic Diocese, the Governor of Unity State Justice Riek Bim Top said, the government will give its support starting from land where the Cathedral shall be built, Mainer Seminary for the Diocese and Schools.

“We will give our support as people and as government both in any form starting with land where Cathedral shall be built, where Minor Seminary for the Diocese shall be found, where Comboni Schools shall be contracted and where residents of Bishop and his clergy shall be based.”

The governor of the Revitalized Transitional Government of National Unity (RTGoNU) in the Republic of South Sudan continued, “As the head of this State (Unity State) and as one of the beneficiaries of “Catholic teachings and faith” my government is ever ready to support the establishment and building Diocese, including its Parishes and any other Institutions that need to be constituted by your Lordship Christian.”

The South Sudanese government member who is also the former seminarian narrates that the Gospel of Jesus Christ never cussed from expanding in all parts of the Unity State since the year 1925 when the first Catholic Mission to Bentiu. Adding that the mission of the first Catholic mission is a result of witnessing the installation of Bishop Christian Carlassare from one of the first pioneer missionaries along the River Nile.

“My dear Christians, this occasion marks a new beginning of our faith as Christians and our state as a society,” Governor Riek stated. And added that the event is one of the benefits and blessings of the ecumenical Pope’s visit to South Sudan.

“This event is one of the benefits and blessings of the visit paid to South Sudan by His Holiness Pope Francis in 2023, and the two visits paid by Cardinal Pietro Parolin before and after the visit of His Holiness.”

He acknowledged the role played when saving as the archbishop of Sudan Archdiocese during the struggle for South Sudan for freedom from the 1980s to 2000.

He emphasized, “As a matter of fact, today if we have many Christians in Bentiu Diocese who are Catholics, is due to the conversation of internal displaced Persons (IDPs) who used to flee civil war in the then Southern Sudan and Western Upper Nile to Khartoum benefited a lot.”

“If we are blessed with a Diocese of our own today as people of Bentiu, it’s due to that contribution and efforts of Archdiocese Khartoum led by His Eminence Gabriel Zubeir Wako.” He said.

The governor highlighted on the achievement made by the retired of Sudan Gabriel Cardinal Zubeir Wako, saying many of the faithful in the new Diocese of Bentiu are his products.

“Many of our faithful in this New Diocese of Bentiu are his products and he need to know that, if I happen to be addressing the people of Bentiu as the head of State, this is a credible contribution from him.”

He continues, “Whatever contributions, whatever experience, whatever destination, whatever vocation, some of us today is because of his (Gabriel Zubeir) contributions, he deserves a big thanks from us, and I pray to God that he keeps his health so that he continues rending any necessary service to the Church.”

Riek called on the people of Bentiu to work for Unity, Peace, and reconciliation towards development of the new Diocese.