MALAWI: Radio Maria Malawi Lauded for its Faithful Broadcasting as It Sets to Mark 25 Years of Inspiring Journey

Dr. Levi Phelani

By Prince Henderson

On August 24, 1999, Radio Maria Malawi began its mission to spread Christ’s message and build a spiritually vibrant community. As the station looks forward to celebrating its 25th anniversary on Saturday, August 24, it has become a beacon of faith, community service, and youth empowerment.

Known as “Liwu la ChiKhristu M’nyumba Mwanu” (A Christian Voice in Your Home), Radio Maria Malawi has grown from its modest origins to become a national symbol of hope.

Over the past quarter-century, it has expanded from local broadcasting to a nationwide presence, offering programming that includes daily Mass, prayer sessions, and religious teachings.

The station’s influence extends beyond religious content. It has significantly contributed to Malawian society through health camps, environmental conservation efforts, and other community outreach programs, reinforcing its essential role in the community.

Fr. Joseph Kimu, Radio Maria Malawi’s director, notes the station’s impact on Malawi’s media landscape.

“Radio Maria has served as a stepping stone for many media professionals. Despite challenges in retaining talent, our commitment to nurturing future broadcasters remains strong,” he said.

The station’s programming appeals to a diverse audience, including non-Christians, offering solace and inspiration. Its outreach programs, particularly those supporting the sick, elderly, and underprivileged, have made a notable difference.

Tina Kandodo, a dedicated friend of Radio Maria Malawi from the Catholic Church’s Archdiocese of Lilongwe, says the station’s role in community service cannot be overemphasized.

“Radio Maria has been a source of hope and spiritual nourishment. Its dedication to inclusivity and compassion shines through its outreach initiatives, which have uplifted marginalized individuals and strengthened our community. As we celebrate this 25-year milestone, we honor the station’s remarkable journey and its continued role in guiding and inspiring us,” she said.

Emphasizing the profound impact of Radio Malawi Malawi, Dr. Levi Phelani, President of the Association of Radio Maria Malawi, says the station has not only strengthened the faith of many by deepening their prayer lives and bringing them closer to Christ but has also served as a unique source of spiritual growth through its daily homily and Mass broadcasts.

“The station’s role in facilitating pilgrimages to sacred sites and the testimonies of miracles, such as overcoming barrenness, further underscore its influence. Radio Maria Malawi’s 24-hour broadcast without commercial advertisements is also a testament to our dedication to spreading faith and hope across the nation,” he said.

Phelani says there are so many people from other denominations that are supporting Radio Maria, including Muslims, Seventh-day Adventists, and Church of Central Africa Presbyterians (CCAP), just to mention a few.

Former volunteers for the station, including Joseph Mwanoka, Lucy Chimwanza, and Enock Thokole, credit their professional success to their time at Radio Maria.

Mwanoka, now a Broadcasting and Monitoring Officer at the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA), says Radio Maria allowed him to showcase his talents.

The skills he gained at Radio Maria were crucial for his role at Zodiak Broadcasting Station, where he spent 11 years where he worked as head of religious programs, senior announcer and producer respectively.

Chimwanza, also at MACRA just like Mwanoka, fondly remembers her time at Radio Maria Malawi.

“The training I received at Radio Maria was vital for developing my skills in radio production and presentation,” she said.

Thokole, now with Mary’s Meals International Malawi, describes his experience at Radio Maria as transformative.

“Volunteering at Radio Maria was invaluable; it profoundly impacted me in ways I will always cherish,” he shared.

Reverend Fr. Steven Limbani Kassimu, a Catholic priest from the Diocese of Mangochi, also celebrates the station’s milestone.

Born from a Muslim family, Fr. Kassimu joined Radio Maria on August 24, 2004, as a co-producer of “Mzotheka ndi Ambuye.” His work highlighted the achievements of physically challenged individuals through faith.

Fr. Kassimu, who received six months of radio training in 2013 and served as a continuity announcer, attributes his strong work ethic and dedication to Radio Maria.

“Radio Maria is synonymous with prayer,” he said, emphasising how the station’s commitment to prayer has influenced his spiritual journey.

He claims to continue using his media skills for teaching and evangelizing via social media and television now as a Priest.

Right Reverend Bishop Vincent Mwakhwawa, Auxiliary Bishop of the Lilongwe Archdiocese and former Pontifical Missionary Societies (PMS) Director at the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM), reflects with respect on Radio Maria Malawi’s achievements.

“Radio Maria Malawi has been a beacon of faith and an effective tool for evangelisation. From its inception, the station has embodied our vision of using media to foster spiritual growth and community service. It shows the profound impact that dedicated broadcasting can have on nurturing faith and unity.” Bishop Mwakhwawa said.

He added, “As a long-time advocate of media’s role in spreading the gospel, I am immensely proud of Radio Maria’s accomplishments. Their unwavering commitment to religious and social causes sets a remarkable example of how media can contribute to a more compassionate and informed society. May Radio Maria Malawi continue to inspire and guide many more in their faith and community journey.”

For Yamikani Mponda, currently serving as a volunteer at Radio Maria Malawi, he is motivated by the legacy of former volunteers.

“Their stories of dedication are not just memories—they are a call to continue the work with the same fervour that has defined Radio Maria Malawi for decades,” he observed.

Looking to the future, Radio Maria Malawi is preparing to relocate its headquarters from Mangochi to Lilongwe, the capital city.

According to Fr. Kimu, this move will place the station closer to the heart of the Catholic Church in Malawi and the ECM in particular. The new headquarters, nearing completion, will enhance the station’s role in evangelisation.

Fr. Kimu envisions a future where Radio Maria remains a trusted presence in every home, promoting justice, peace, love, and service to God and humanity.

“With ongoing volunteer support and strong partnerships with the Catholic Church, the station is committed to its mission of spreading the gospel and fostering community,” said Fr. Kimu.

Radio Maria Malawi’s 25-year journey is a testament to faith, resilience, and an unwavering commitment to community service.

From its humble beginnings to its status as a leading religious’ broadcaster, the station has profoundly impacted countless Malawians.

“As it looks to the future, Radio Maria remains dedicated to its mission, ready to continue serving Malawi with the same devotion that has defined its first 25 years,” Fr. Kimu promises.

In celebration of its 25th anniversary, Radio Maria will host a grand event at its new studios in Area 43, Lilongwe.

The festivities will include a Holy Eucharist Mass led by Archbishop Desmond Tambala of the Lilongwe Archdiocese, alongside awards and performances by the Alleluia Band and artist Skeffa Chimoto.

About the Writer

Prince Henderson is a seasoned journalist and expert in development communication and public relations. He holds a Master’s Degree in Development Studies from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) and is currently pursuing a PhD in Rural Development, Innovation and Extension at Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR). He also serves as a Lecturer at the Catholic University of Malawi, Lilongwe Satellite Center. Previously, he volunteered in the newsroom at Radio Maria Malawi where he embarked on his professional journey.