MALAWI: Archdiocese of Lilongwe considering a Synchronized Ordination of Priests

Archbishop George Desmond Tambala

Sam Kalimba

The Catholic Archdiocese of Lilongwe is considering to synchronize future priestly ordinations in the See. This was revealed on August 10, 2024, at Maula Cathedral events ground where the Prelate of the Metropolitan Archdiocese, His Grace Archbishop George Desmond Tambala ordained six deacons from three congregations.

Most Rev. George Tambala said in his concluding remarks at the ordination that he would speak to the Superiors of all Religious Congregations to agree on this point.

“I urge all Superiors of Religious Congregations in the Archdiocese to let us know in good time if they have deacons ready to be ordained so that we join hands starting from preparations to the actual day of ordination,” This, as said by the Laity Council Representative would allow many young men to learn about what each congregation does and where. We will be talking to the Superiors so that this be our tradition. I remember we did this last year when we also had a similar situation where we ordained priests from several congregations at one place on the same day, he said.

He also advised the priests in his homily to always remember to promote peace wherever they are. Speaking to the gospel that was proclaimed from John 20:19-23 Archbishop Tambala said that it is expected of a priest to continue from where Jesus left by saying peace be with you. He said that this peace ought to be original and from deep down their hearts reflected in their deeds. He said that a priest should always give sacraments even to those who speak ill of him as long as they are in good standing with the Church.

He also turned the lay faithful to reciprocate the peace by working together with the priests in their parishes and institutions. He said that he doesn’t expect the laity to be at loggerheads with priests but to support them in the mission.

Speaking prior to the prelate of the See, Mrs. Christina Lupia who is the Archdiocesan Chair Lady for the Catholic Women Association said that bringing together several congregations for the ordination of their deacons helps the laity to learn by observation the unity the Church preaches.

With our own eyes, we see the unity among the three congregations with the Archdiocese. This reduces the competition and dilemma our young men have when deciding which route to go as they discern. With this ordination, it is clear that priesthood is one regardless of the congregation one belongs. We believe this will continue, said Mrs. Lupia.

Speaking on behalf of the two Religious Congregations Rev. Fr. Michael Ndau Southern Africa Regional Superior of the Pallotines who is based in South Africa thanked the Archdiocese of Lilongwe for the commitment shown by this ordination to collaborate with all congregations they allowed to operate in the Archdiocese.

Rev. Fr. Augustine Katundu represented the Association of Diocesan Clergy of Lilongwe (ADCOL) and welcome all the priests to the family of priests and specifically for the newly ordained two diocesan priest to feel free and fully participate in the activities of ADCOL.

Currently, some diocesan deacons are serving in religious led parishes as they await their ordination next year.

The Archdiocese of Lilongwe has had two separate priestly ordinations this year, one being held on July 20, 2024 at a parish outside Lilongwe for the Order of Carmelite Discards and this one of August 10, 2024. In total, 8 priests have been ordained this year. Two are Carmelite, two are Capuchins (OFM), two are Pallotines and two are diocesan. All the 8 have been assigned to take up their first tasks within Malawi.