ZAMBIA: Newly Ordained Priests Urged To Be Humble, Uniting Their Flock

Ordination in Lusaka

Sandra Kunda

The Metropolitan Archbishop of Lusaka, Zambia, has urged the newly ordained priests to be humble and go slow on every turn of their ministry.

Speaking during the ordination of 15 deacons to priesthood on Sunday, 4th August 2024, Archbishop Alick Banda said that like Jesus, the newly ordained priests must cultivate humility and make it a habit to be nurtured daily.

He said new priests must not look down on the older priests as old fashioned but always listen and be ready to learn from them at any time as this is the hallmark of wisdom.

Archbishop Banda said newly ordained priests should also not look at the mistakes and flows of the older priests who have been serving for a long time.

Instead, Archbishop Banda stressed that newly ordained priests must always be mindful of how they treat every person because people will only judge them by how they serve others, such as the vulnerable, sick, imprisoned, and the aged, among others.

Archbishop Banda said treating everyone well will enable the new priests to make the change that is authentic and righteous.

He also cautioned the new priests to be careful with those always seeking favours from them.

“Be weary of praise singers who come in all different forms, and some are found within the parishes as they will only lead you to nowhere but doom,” Archbishop Banda warned.

Elsewhere in Mpika Diocese, Bishop Edwin Mulandu called on the newly ordained priests to always unite their flock and not scatter them.

Speaking during the ordination of three new priests in Isoka, Bishop Mulandu said priests should imitate Jesus at all times who came to unite everyone on earth.

“In order to imitate Jesus, priests must not only shepherd the large flock but also look for that one lost sheep, care for it and bring it back to the rest,” Bishop Mulandu told the new priests.

Bishop Mulandu said in order to make an impact, the new priests must always be prepared when going to preach because people follow what they teach.

He urged the new priests to always preach in the name of Jesus and remain zealous in their work while acting according to what they teach the people they serve so that they can be good examples.

“A priest must lead an exemplary and good life to encourage others to come to God,” He added.

Bishop Mulandu also urged the priests to always speak for the people when things are not right because a priest is a governor, and the government is not expected to react otherwise when they speak on governance issues.

The Bishop of Mpika has since called on the people in various parishes to ensure that they welcome, support and pray for the newly ordained priests.