MALAWI: Families and Small Christian Communities Urged to Care for the Elderly

Rt Rev Yohane Nyirenda Presenting a Gift To An Elder Person

Stella Zulu

Families and Small Christian Communities (SCCs) in Malawi are being urged to love and care for the aging members of families and the Church, recognizing the contributions they have made during their active years. This call was made by Rt. Rev. Yohane Suzgo Nyirenda Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Mzuzu, during Mass for the national celebration of the fourth World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly, held at St. John’s (Mzambazi) Parish in the Mzuzu Diocese.

“As a country, we must stop accusing old people and grandparents of being witches or associating them with other negative stereotypes. Being old should never be seen as a bad thing; it is a blessing of a long life from God,” Bishop Nyirenda said and explained, “We also need to stop burdening our elderly persons with responsibilities like taking care of grandchildren while parents travel to South Africa and other workplaces. The elderly often lack the strength for that. I encourage Small Christian Communities to include the elderly in their programs, pray with them, and ensure that priests are reaching out to them.”

Right Rev Nyirenda emphasized that the Church is aware of the many challenges faced by the elderly such as poor health, loneliness and abandonment, lack of basic needs, and accusations of witchcraft. In response, the Church established hospitals in many rural areas and implemented various programs aimed at uplifting the lives of the elderly and accompanying them throughout their journey on earth.

He further encouraged elderly to continue living their faith through prayer and to stay connected with others to combat loneliness and other age-related problems.

In his remarks, the National Pastoral Coordinator for the Episcopal Conference of Malawi ECM) Fr. Joseph Sikwese said the celebration is the Church’s way of making sure, grandparents and the elderly are protected and appreciated as senior citizens of the Church and the country as guided by Pope Francis.

The World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly is a time for reflection on the lives of older people within the Church, to honor their contributions. This year’s celebration was held under the theme: Do not Cast Me Off in My Old Age (Psalm 71:9). Elder people played various key roles during the celebration Mass including taking the readings.