MALAWI: Bishop Chaima Urges Priests in Malawi to be of Service to People

Rt. Reverend Alfred Chaima

Luke Bisani

The Catholic Bishop for Zomba Diocese, Malawi, Rt. Reverend Alfred Chaima, has urged priests to love and serve with passion the people entrusted to them through their priesthood calling.

This he said at the ordination of Fr. George Nambazo and the silver jubilee celebration of Rev. Fr. Lawrence Kamwana, Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Chimombo, and Rev. Fr. Phillip Mumbulu on Saturday, August 2, 2024, at Sacred Heart Zomba Cathedral.

“No one is ordained a priest for himself, but one is ordained for the Church, for God’s people entrusted to us,” said Bishop Chaima.

He then urged the jubilarians to reflect on their 25-year journey of priesthood and applaud God for his mercy that has guided them throughout the years of services.

Bishop Chaima further urged the lay faithful to support the ordained by praying for them, taking care of their needs using their resources, and finally cooperating and collaborating with them.

The Prelate further applauded Bishop Peter Adrian Chifukwa of the Diocese of Dedza for in gracing the occasion.

The duo celebration in the Diocese of Zomba brought together thousands of Catholic Christians, friends and people of goodwill