ZAMBIA: Archbishop Banda Marks 17th Episcopal Anniversary, Promises Commitments to God’s Service

Archbishop Alick Banda

By Sandra Kunda

In celebrating his 17th Episcopal anniversary, His Grace Archbishop Alick Banda who has exemplified faith and leadership has pledged to soldier on in the service of God.

The Archbishop’s journey has been marked by dedication and service from his consecration as Bishop of Solwezi in 2007 to his subsequent transfer to Ndola, where he served for eight years.

Now, as the shepherd of the Lusaka Archdiocese, he continues to guide and inspire the faithful.

“When I look back in view of our Gospel passage, I come to realize that though we labour among the many distractions of this world, we should have but one goal, our heavenly homeland,” the Archbishop said in his homily during the midday Mass at the Cathedral of the Child Jesus.

He added that as Christians, we are on our way but not yet in our native land. We are in a state of longing but not yet of satisfaction. However, we are blessed for the service and labors we render for our brothers and sisters.

Archbishop Banda has since stressed the need to be like Martha, the sister to Mary and Lazarus in the scriptures, by being occupied in nourishing the physical hunger of people, the fight for justice and fairness, the equal application of the rule of law, the respect of human rights, and respect for the human dignity of all regardless.

Archbishop Banda further reaffirmed his commitment to tending the spiritual needs of the flock.