UGANDA: Embrace a Simple Lifestyle; Bishop to Newly Ordained Priests

Rt. Rev Bishop Robert Muhiirwa Akiiki

By Masereka Peter

In a joyous ceremony on Saturday 27th, July 2024 in Fort Portal Diocese, Uganda, six new priests were ordained, expanding the Holy Cross Clergy in the Holy Cross Province of East Africa.

In his homily, Bishop Robert Muhiirwa emphasized the importance of the three vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience professed by the religious clergy asking the newly ordained to embrace a simple lifestyle in a world often dominated by corruption and greed for wealth.

He further encouraged them to serve God with undivided hearts, remain celibate, and obediently follow their superiors’ directives in their missionary work with no complaints.

Reflecting on the day’s gospel, the Bishop highlighted the significance of a strong prayer life, both personal and communal, including adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. He noted that their ordination during the year of prayer, as declared by Pope Francis in preparation for the Jubilee year, is particularly fortunate.

Bishop Muhiirwa commended the Holy Cross Province of East Africa for choosing Fort Portal Diocese for the ordinations, which he believes will inspire the younger generation to consider religious life. He also praised the parents and formators of the new priests for their dedication and efforts.

Rev. Fr. Peter Mayanja CSC, the Provincial Superior of the Holy Cross Province of East Africa, expressed gratitude to Bishop Muhiirwa for ordaining the deacons into the priesthood and encouraged the newly ordained priests to undertake their responsibilities with faith in God. He also appreciated the strong relationship between the Diocese of Fort Portal and the Holy Cross Congregation.

Mr. Patrick Bikumbi a parent to Fr Emmanuel Isabirye, representing the parents, advised the new priests to be mindful of their emotional intelligence and to empathize with people in all circumstances without judgment.

Rev. Fr. Martin Kule, speaking on behalf of the newly ordained, expressed heartfelt thanks to everyone who supported them financially, spiritually, and emotionally. He requested continued prayers from the congregants to help them serve the people of God faithfully.